NXP Semiconductors
LCD controllers/drivers
Table 4. State after reset
Step Function
Control bit and
register state
1 Clear_display
2 Entry_mode_set
bit I_D = 1
incremental cursor move direction
bit S = 0
no display shift
3 Display_ctl
bit D = 0
display off
bit C = 0
cursor off
bit B = 0
cursor character blink off
4 Function_set
bit DL = 1
8-bit interface
bit M = 0
1-line display
bit SL = 0
1:18 multiplex drive mode
bit H = 0
normal instruction set
5 default address pointer to DDRAM [1]
6 Icon_ctl
bit IM = 0
character mode, full display
bit IB = 0
icon blink disabled
7 Screen_conf
bit L = 0
default configuration
bit P = 0; bit Q = 0
default configurations
8 Temp_ctl
bit TC1 = 0; bit TC2 = 0 default temperature coefficient
9 VLCD_set
10 I2C-bus interface reset
register VA = 0;
register VB = 0
VLCD generator off
11 HV_gen
bit S1 = 1; bit S0 = 0
VLCD generator set to 3 internal stages
(4 voltage multipliers)
Table 16
Table 18
Table 19
Table 12
Table 22
Table 25
Table 23
Table 24
Table 28
Table 32
Table 30
[1] The Busy Flag (BF) indicates the busy state (bit BF = 1) until initialization ends. The busy state lasts 2 ms. The chip may also be
initialized by software (see Table 43 and Table 44).
8.3 Power-down mode
The chip can be put into power-down mode by applying a HIGH-level to pin PD. In
power-down mode all static currents are switched off (no internal oscillator, no bias level
generation and all LCD outputs are internally connected to VSS).
During power-down, information in the RAMs and the chip state are preserved. Instruction
execution during power-down is possible when pin OSC is externally clocked.
8.4 LCD supply voltage generator
The LCD supply voltage may be generated on-chip. The VLCD generator is controlled by
two internal 6-bit registers: VA and VB. Register VA is programmed with the voltage for
character mode and register VB with the voltage for icon mode.
The nominal LCD operating voltage at room temperature is given by Equation 2:
V LCD(nom) = V x × 0.08 + 1.82
Product data sheet
Where Vx is the integer value of the register VA or VB.
It should be noted that VLCD is sometimes referred as the LCD operating voltage (Voper).
Rev. 05 — 13 August 2009
© NXP B.V. 2009. All rights reserved.
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