1 A, Low-Dropout,
5.0 V Regulator
Determination of DC Input Voltage. The minimum
input voltage VI(min) should be higher than the sum of the
fixed output voltage and the maximum rated dropout
voltage. If setting the output voltage lower than 2.0 V, the
minimum input voltage should be more than 2.4 V.
Overcurrent Protection. The SI-3000KM series has a
built-in fold-back type overcurrent protection circuit, which
limits the output current at a start-up mode. It thus cannot
be used in applications that require current at the start-up
mode such as:
(1) constant-current load,
(2) power supply with positive and negative outputs to
common load (a center-tap type power supply), or
(3) raising the output voltage by putting a diode or a
resistor between the device ground and system ground.
Thermal Protection. Circuitry turns off the pass
transistor when the junction temperature rises above 135°C.
It is intended only to protect the device from failures due to
excessive junction temperatures and should not imply that
output short circuits or continuous overloads are permitted.
Heat Radiation and Reliability. The reliability of the
IC is directly related to the junction temperature (TJ) in its
operation. Accordingly, careful consideration should be
given to heat dissipation.
The inner frame on which the integrated circuit is mounted
is connected to the GND terminal (pin 3). Therefore, it is
very effective for heat radiation to enlarge the copper area
that is connected to the GND terminal. The graph illus-
trates the effect of the copper area on the junction-to-
ambient thermal resistance (RθJA).
The junction temperature (TJ) can be determined from
either of the following equations:
TJ = (PD × RθJA) + TA
TJ = (PD × RθJT) + TT
where PD = IO × (VI – VO) and
RθJT = 6°C/W.
115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036
Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036