SMD1102 / 1103 / 1113
Serial Clock (SCL)
The SCL input is used to clock data into and out of the
device. In the WRITE mode data must remain stable while
SCL is HIGH. In the READ mode data is clocked out on
the falling edge of SCL.
Serial Data (SDA)
The SDA pin is a bidirectional pin used to transfer data into
and out of the device. Data may change only when SCL
is LOW, except during START and STOP conditions. It is
an open-drain output and may be wire-ORed with any
number of open-drain or open-collector outputs.
This interrupt output pin signals the host when an out-of-
limit condition is detected by one of the EEPROM limit
registers. The SMBALERT open-drain output is active low.
Voltage reference input for 10-Bit A/D converter. This
signal is only on the SMD1102 and SMD1113.
Multiplexer input pins for channels 0, 1, and 2, respec-
tively. AIN2 is only available on the SMD1103 and
SMD1113. These pins may be left unconnected if they are
not used. However, the Alert Regions must be set
accordingly (see the section "Alert Conditions").
A0, A1, A2
The address inputs are only available on the SMD1113.
Multiple SMD1113s can be used on a single bus by setting
different device addresses. A2 has a 50kΩ pull-up
resistor, and A1 and A0 have 50kΩ pull-down resistors.
Do not set the address to all zeroes because it would
cause a conflict with the SMB Alert Response.
Chip Enable/disable input must be held low to enable I2C
communications. It has a 50kΩ pull-down resistor and is
only available on the SMD1113.
Power supply input.
Power supply return.
2033 8.1 10/04/01