Philips Semiconductors
Audio processor for VHS hi-fi
and linear audio
Preliminary specification
6.1 Audio I/O switching
For the audio FM circuitry eight different audio signals can
be selected. The selection made here for hi-fi is also
available for the linear audio circuitry.
1. TUNER (stereo input; internal tuner of VCR).
2. CINCH (stereo input; connection to hi-fi set).
3. EXT1 (stereo input; TV SCART1).
4. EXT2 (stereo input; decoder, 2nd VCR SCART2).
5. EXT3 (stereo input; front CINCH for e.g. camcorder).
6. SAP (mono input; ‘Second Audio Program’ audio
carrier for NTSC or conventional FM carrier with
NICAM reception).
7. NORMAL (linear audio; [playback] signal of linear
When inserting a new video signal in an old
audio/video recording the hi-fi audio track is erased.
This setting can keep the current audio available on
the hi-fi track by copying the (playback) linear audio
signal to the hi-fi track during video insert.
8. EXT3/ST (input mix; mono EXT3 on left, mono hi-fi on
right channel).
For linear audio use see Section 6.1.2.
For linear audio four settings can be selected:
1. INPUTSEL (mono signal from input select).
This is the ‘standard’ setting. The signal source
selected with the input select is led to the linear audio
circuit. The linear audio AGC should be switched on.
2. VOLUME (mono signal from [hi-fi] volume control).
The signal source selected with the input select has
now volume control, the linear audio AGC should be
switched off. This setting is for use with ‘audio
dubbing’: inserting a new audio signal on the linear
track in an old audio/video recording. A special audio
dubbing feature is now possible by selecting ‘input mix’
EXT3/ST in the input select. This setting enables us to
use the VCR as a mixer console: an audio source
connected to EXT3 (front CINCH) can be adjusted and
mixed together with the original hi-fi playback signal,
using the left (EXT3) and right (hi-fi playback) volume
3. SAP (SAP input).
This setting enables simultaneous recording of the
NTSC SAP signal on the linear track and TUNER
stereo on the audio FM track. When receiving a
NICAM audio signal, the linear audio can be used as a
‘backup’ track when received television signals are
4. TUNER LEFT (left channel [language 1] of TUNER
When receiving dual language transmissions the main
language (language 1) can be recorded on linear
audio. Note that if the SAP input is not used it can be
connected to the right TUNER channel, enabling
language selection for linear audio.
The volume controls are mainly intended for level
adjusting of the audio signals to be recorded on the hi-fi
track, however using the ‘VOLUME’ setting in the Normal
Select it can also be used to control linear audio. The
volume controls have a control range of +14 dB to −49 dB
in 1 dB steps and a full mute. Because the volume controls
are I2C-bus controlled their actual behaviour is defined by
the VCR’s software. For instance user control can be
‘volume only’, ‘left + right’, ‘volume + balance’ or the
setting can be defined by a ‘digital AGC’ software loop
using the signals at the DC (VU meter) outputs.
The linear audio level can be controlled by an AGC circuit,
which can be switched off when desired. In most cases the
AGC should be used at all settings of the Normal Select
except for ‘VOLUME’.
The audio output signal of the audio FM circuit can be
muted with AFOMute, the linear output signal can be
muted using NOMute. If one of these signals is not used
as an output (or input) signal it is best muted to further
minimize crosstalk.
This block is the ‘main’ output select function, possibly
functional on all outputs. Each output however has some
means to override this selection for its own output signal,
to implement extra features. Eight selections are possible
and they are shown in Table 1.
1995 Mar 21