7 Channel Photo Detector IC
■ Dual Wave length 650 and 780nm
■ 55MHz Data Channel Bandwith
■ Built-in Media Switch
■ Available in Wafer Form or 5.0 x 4.0mm
16 Pin COB Package
■ DVD Player
Bb 1
Aa 2
SW 3
RF 4
NC 5
Dd 6
Cc 7
NC 8
16 Pin COB
16 GND
15 NC
14 E
13 VCC
12 VS
11 NC
10 F
The SP8042 is a seven channel photo detector IC (PDIC) designed for DVD-ROM and CD-ROM
applications and can operate at wavelength of 650 and 780 nm. The device contains four photo
diode (sensor) arrays, two of them with four identical sensors (A – D, and a - d respectively) and
two with a single sensors (E, F). The seven channels consist of four high speed channels (Aa,
Bb, Cc, and Dd), two slow channels (E, F), and one RF channel. The high speed channel output
provides a signal from one of the two different sensor arrays (A – D or a – d) depending the position
of the media switch (SW). A high logic level at the SW pin selects CD mode (A – D sensors) while
a low level selects DVD mode (a – d sensors). The E and F channels output is used for a servo
control. The RF channels output is sum of A + B + C + D or a + b + c + d channels (depending
upon SW level) with identical weights given to all channels.
Low noise operation enables data recovery at very low signal levels.
The SP8042 is manufactured with an advanced 10GHz BICMOS technology.
Rev. 9/25/03
SP8042 7 Channel, PDIC
© Copyright 2003 Sipex Corporation