[Thermal Design Example for STK404-200-E (RL=6Ω)]
The thermal resistance, θc-a, of the heat sink for total power dissipation, Pd, within the hybrid IC is determined as
Condition 1: The hybrid IC substrate temperature, Tc, must not exceed 125°C.
Pd × θc-a + Ta < 125°C ................................................................................................. (1)
Ta: Guaranteed ambient temperature for the end product
Condition 2: The junction temperature, Tj, of each power transistor must not exceed 150°C.
Pd × θc-a + Pd/N × θj-c + Ta < 150°C .......................................................................... (2)
N: Number of power transistors
θj-c: Thermal resistance per power transistor
However, the power dissipation, Pd, for the power transistors shall be allocated equally among the number of power
The following inequalities result from solving equations (1) and (2) for θc-a.
θc-a < (125 − Ta)/Pd ...................................................................................................... (1)'
θc-a < (150 − Ta)/Pd − θj-c/N ........................................................................................ (2)'
Values that satisfy these two inequalities at the same time represent the required heat sink thermal resistance.
When the following specifications have been stipulated, the required heat sink thermal resistance can be determined
from formulas (1)' and (2)'.
• Supply voltage
• Load resistance
• Guaranteed ambient temperature
When the IC supply voltage, VCC=±36V and RL is 6Ω, the total power dissipation, Pd, within the hybrid IC, will be a
maximum of 43W at 1kHz for a continuous sine wave signal according to the Pd-Po characteristics.
For the music signals normally handled by audio amplifiers, a value of 1/8PO max (PO=7.5W) is generally used for
Pd as an estimate of the power dissipation based on the type of continuous signal. (Note that the factor used may differ
depending on the safety standard used.)
This is:
Pd ≈ 30W
(when 1/8PO max. = 7.5W, PO max. = 60W).
The number of power transistors in audio amplifier block of these hybrid ICs, N, is 2, and the thermal resistance per
transistor, θj-c, is 1.7°C/W. Therefore, the required heat sink thermal resistance for a guranteed ambient temperature,
Ta, of 50°C will be as follows.
From formula (1)'
θc-a < (125 − 50)/32
< 2.34
From formula (2)'
θc-a < (150 − 50)/32 − 1.7/2
< 1.49
Therefore, the value of 1.49°C/W, which satisfies both of these formulae, is the required thermal resistance of the heat
Note that this thermal design example assumes the use of a constant-voltage power supply, and is therefore not a
verified design for any particular user’s end product.
No. A1491-8/11