Philips Semiconductors
6 W audio power amplifier in car applications
10 W audio power amplifier in mains-fed applications
Product specification
1. Measured with an ideal coupling capacitor to the speaker load.
2. Up to Po ≤ 3 W : dtot ≤ 1%.
3. Measured with a load impedance of 20 kΩ.
4. Independent of load impedance of preamplifier.
5. Output impedance of preamplifier (ZΟ) is correlated (within 10%) with the input impedance (Zi) of the power
6. Unweighted r.m.s. noise voltage measured at a bandwidth of 60 Hz to 15 kHz (12 dB/octave).
7. Ripple rejection measured with a source impedance between 0 and 2 kΩ (maximum ripple amplitude: 2 V).
8. The tab must be electrically floating or connected to the substrate (pin 9).
Fig.3 Test circuit.
November 1982