Philips Semiconductors
Low power single card reader
Product specification
• 80C51 core with 16 kbytes ROM, 256 bytes RAM and
512 bytes XRAM
• Specific ISO7816 UART, accessible with MOVX
instructions for automatic convention processing,
variable baud rate, error management at character level
for T = 0 and T = 1 protocols, extra guard time, etc.
• Specific versatile 24-bit Elementary Time Unit (ETU)
counter for timing processing during Answer To Reset
(ATR) and for T = 1 protocol
• VCC generation (5 V ± 5 % or 3 V ± 5 % or 1.8 V),
maximum current 65 mA with controlled rise and fall
• Card clock generation up to 20 MHz with three times
synchronous frequency doubling (fXTAL, 1/2fXTAL, 1/4fXTAL
and 1/8fXTAL)
• Card clock stop HIGH or LOW or 1.25 MHz from an
integrated oscillator for card power reduction modes
• Automatic activation and deactivation sequences
through an independant sequencer
• Supports asynchronous protocols T = 0 and T = 1 in
accordance with:
– ISO 7816 and EMV 3.1.1 (TDA8029HL/C1 and
– ISO 7816 and EMV 2000 (TDA8029HL/C2).
• 1 to 8 characters FIFO in reception mode
• Parity error counter in reception mode and in
transmission mode with automatic retransmission
• Versatile 24-bit time-out counter for ATR and waiting
times processing
• Specific ETU counter for Block Guard Time (BGT)
(22 ETU in T = 1 and 16 ETU in T = 0)
• Minimum delay between two characters in reception
– In protocol T = 0:
12 ETU (TDA8029HL/C1)
11.8 ETU (TDA8029HL/C2).
– In protocol T = 1:
11 ETU (TDA8029HL/C1)
10.8 ETU (TDA8029HL/C2).
• Supports synchronous cards which do not use C4/C8
• Current limitations on card contacts
• Supply supervisor for power-on/off reset and spikes
• DC/DC converter (supply voltage from 2.7 to 6 V),
doubler, tripler or follower according to VCC and VDD
• Shut-down input for very low power consumption
• Enhanced ESD protection on card contacts (6 kV
• Software library for easy integration
• Communication with the host through a standard full
duplex serial link at programmable baud rates
• One external interrupt input and four general purpose
The TDA8029 is a complete one chip, low cost, low power,
robust smart card reader. Its different power reduction
modes and its wide supply voltage range allow its use in
portable equipment. Due to specific versatile hardware, a
small embedded software program allows the control of
most cards available in the market. The control from the
host may be done through a standard serial interface.
The TDA8029 may be delivered with standard embedded
software, or be masked with specific customer code. For
details on software development and on available tools,
please refer to application notes “AN01009” and
“AN10134” for the TDA8029HL/C1. For standard
embedded software, please refer to application note
“AN10206” for the TDA8029HL/C2.
• Portable card readers
• General purpose card readers
• EMV compliant card readers.
2003 Oct 30