4. Functional Description
4.1 Pin 1, GND
The U643B is protected against damage in case of battery reversal via resistor R4 to ground
(–31). An integrated protection circuit together with external resistances R2 and R4 limits the cur-
rent pulses in the IC.
4.2 Pin 2, Supply Voltage, VS Power
The arrangement of the supply connections to pin 2 must be so as to ensure that on the connec-
tion printed circuit board (PCB), the resistance of VS to pin 6 is lower than that to pin 2.
4.3 Pin 3, Relay Control Output (Driver)
The relay control output is a high-side driver with a low saturation voltage. It is capable of driving
a typical automotive relay with a minimum coil resistance of 60Ω.
4.4 Pin 4 and 5, Oscillator
The flashing frequency, f1, is determined by the R1C1 components as given by the formula below
(see Figure 2-1 on page 2):
f1 ≈
R1 × C1 × 1.5
where C1 ≤47 µF, R1 = 6.8 kΩ to 510 kΩ
In case of a lamp outage (see pin 7) the oscillator frequency is switched to the lamp outage fre-
quency f2 with f2 ≈ 2.2 × f1.
Duty cycle in normal flashing mode: 50%
Duty cycle in lamp outage mode: 40% (bright phase)
4.5 Pin 6, Supply Voltage, Sense
For accurate monitoring via the shunt resistor, a minimized layer resistance from point VS/shunt
to pin 6 is recommended.
4 U643B