20-Channel Serial-Input Vacuum-Fluorescent
Display Driver for Anode/Grid
Ordering Information
28 Pin Plastic DIP
Package Options
28 Pin Plastic Chip Carrier
❏ Operating voltage of to up to 80V
❏ HVCMOS technology for high performance
❏ High speed source driver
❏ Up to 3.3MHz data input rate
❏ 5.0V CMOS logic circuitry
❏ Excellent noise immunity
❏ Flexible high voltage supplies
General Description
The Supertex HV5812 is a 20-channel serial input vacuum
fluorescent display driver. It combines a 20-bit CMOS shift regis-
ter, data latches, and control circuitry with high voltage MOSFET
outputs. The HV5812 is primarily designed for vacuum-fluores-
cent displays.
The CMOS shift register and latches allow direct interfacing with
microprocessor-based systems. Data input rates are typically
over 5.0MHz with 5V logic supply. Especially useful for inter-digit
blanking, the BLANKING input disables the output source drives
and turns on the sink drivers. Use with TTL may require external
pull-up resistors to ensure an input logic high.
Absolute Maximum Ratings1
VDD logic power supply voltage
VPP positive high voltage supply
Logic input voltages
Operating junction temperature range
-0.5V to +7.5V
-0.5V to +90V
-0.3V to VDD +0.3V
-40°C to +150°C
Storage temperature
-55°C to +150°C
Power dissipation
28-pin PLCC
28-pin DIP
1.9 Watt
1.7 Watt
2.0 Watt
1. All voltages are referenced to ground. Absolute maximum ratings
are those values at which damage to the device may occur.
Functional operation under these conditions is not implied.
Continuous operation of the device at the absolute rating level may
affect device reliability.
Supertex Inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications and will not knowingly sell its products for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate "products liability
indemnification insurance agreement." Supertex does not assume responsibility for use of devices described and limits its liability to the replacement of devices determined to be defective due to
workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions or inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications, refer to the
Supertex website: http://www.supertex.com. For complete liability information on all Supertex prod1ucts, refer to the most current databook or to the Legal/Disclaimer page on the Supertex website.