The manufacturer hereby warrants, that it will replace this product
or any part thereof which shall prove to be defective in workman-
ship or material, subject to the following limitations:
(1) This is only for the benefit of the original purchaser and to no
other person, company or individual.
(2) This warranty does not apply to defects caused by improper
(3) This warranty is limited to the replacement of the defective
product, or part thereof, and does not include any labor costs for
installation or removal of the product.
(4) The manufacturer shall not be liable for indirect,
consequential or special damages and is limited solely to
replacement of the product.
lf the product or any part thereof shall prove to be defective in
workmanship or material, the original purchaser shall ship the
product to the manufacturer in the original packing carton, together
with a copy of the original sales receipt for the product, and, if in the
opinion of the manufacturer, the product proves to be defective in
workmanship or material, the sole obligation of the manufacturer
shall be the replacement of the defective product or part thereof.
Shipping charges to the manufacturer is the obligation of the
original purchaser.
This limited warranty is in lieu of and replaces all of the warranties
previously given by the manufacturer, both express and implied, in-
cluding any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. There are no warranties which extend beyond the face
No lawsuit may be commenced against the manufacturer unless
the original consumer purchaser has complied with all of the terms
and conditions of this warranty and the manufacturer has refused
to comply therewith.
ISO9002 ISO14001 Certified
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E-mail : semitec@kornet.net
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E-mail : xsgsxh@public.tz.js.cn
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