Retrigger Trigger
Retriggerable Trigger-m means the sentence-m
addressed by Trigger-m could be retriggerred by
other Triggers. It can be retriggerred by itself.
Cycle Loop
It is determined automativally by the sentences
user defined at fabrication.
Continue OKY & Home OKY
This is a function belongs to OKY and determines
the play sequence when the first OKY comes after
any other trigger addressing. The "continue"
preserves the sequence while the "home"rewinds
to the very beginning. You will see a term
S.W.A.I. in this data sheet, it means sequence
when after interrupt by other trigger addressing.
Smaple Rate
There are some parameters are sample rate
dependent. They aare debounce time, LED fix
flash frequency and Stop pulse width. The
numbers mentioned in this data sheet are based
on 6 KHz sample rate typically, but just typical .
Smaller Rosc playback quicker - higher pixel rate.
MVI provides voice chip with very flat response for
playback vs working voltage. Higher working
voltage get slower playback but insignificantly.
Stop Pulse
Stop pulse is one of Status definition. This Stop
pulse is not guaranteed when user defines the
trigger behavior as Holdable.
Key Priority
The key priority defines which trigger is to be
acknowledged when two or more triggers are
being activated. For both KeyBoard and Matrix
addressing modes, no key priority is guaranteed.
It means when playing a sound, only one key is
promised, further triggers is not guaranteed until
when this sentence is accomplished and trigger is
Application Notes
To play words concatenated
To play two words concatenated at cpu addressing
mode, cpu should take care during the interval in
between. When detecting the busy signal falls to
low, the next word had better to start in within t PL.
Because during this t PL interval, the Cout sounds
silent but keeps at the center of full scale. The
former word starts within t PL interval will start
smoothly without abrupt potential change on current
through speaker.
Longer than the t PL interval the Cout begins ramp
down interval, it is recommended to not start the
former word. It does not sound bad, but ramp up
starts at the ramp down interval is not preferred.
Parallel chips
Parallel chips share a speaker is not recommended
at cpu addressing mode. Please don't use this
solution. MVI offers 120" chip to replace this parallel
chips solution.
When user insists to adopt this solution due to no
alternate, the cpu should take care when playing two
words simultaneously or concatenated from two
respective chips. As described, the silence hears
nothing on speaker but there is signal potential
appears on Cout output pin.
There are four occurances to have potential signal
on Cout but you hear nothing. With Two sources
both have any one of above occurances, the
summation will cause particular signal output and
even noice. These four occurances are (1) silence
from ramp up (2) silence from ramp down (3) silence
from at middle data value either in-between sound or
in interval t PL (4) silence form appended
memory-less mute.
To left sentence empty
User may not define every sentence. But every
sentence accessed by OKY must be defined, cannot
be empty. This kind of mis-use always happens
when customer define several not concatenated
sentences under matrix addressing mode. At this
time, OKY is not allowed to access or the error may
occur due to there is empty sentence.
Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information.
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