MU9C8328A Ethernet Interface
selected, notifies the controller whether to copy or purge
the frame. The SA is then sent to the LANCAM for
comparison, and if no match is found, can be learned to
the Next Free address in the LANCAM. Scheduling is
done within the MU9C8328A so that each filtering action
completes in the time of a minimum length frame. The
filtering and learning routines are preprogrammed in the
MU9C8328A, with decision options set in the Control
register. A Status register is provided so the host
processor can determine the results of activities. The
specific Op-Code for the LANCAM learning instruction
is by default a MOV NF, CR, V, but it can be overridden by
writing a value to the Op-Code register. Aging and purging
activity is directly controlled by the host processor. The
READY signal notifies the host processor that processor
operations are complete. The /INT signal notifies the
processor that a network frame has been processed and
the result stored in the Status register. The processor can
turn off the network filtering activity to have total control
of the LANCAM; during this time the controller can be
notified to accept or reject all frames.
All signals are implemented in CMOS technology with TTL levels. Signal names that start with a slash (“/”) are active
LOW. Inputs should never be left floating. Refer to the Electrical Characteristics section for more information.
SERCLK (Serial Clock, Input, TTL)
SERCLK is the nominally 10 MHz clock from the Ethernet
controller chip to the MU9C8328A. Frame parsing begins
only after the internal clock detector determines that
SERCLK is valid. Internally pulled down with nominal
50K resistor.
SERDAT (Serial Data, Input, TTL)
SERDAT is the NRZ data from the 10 MHz Ethernet
controller chip. The MU9C8328A uses SERCLK to strobe
SERDAT looking for a Start Frame delimiter (SFD), at
which point it begins filtering and learning activity on
the Destination Address (DA) and Source Address (SA).
/REJECT (Reject, Output, TTL)
The MU9C8328A takes /REJECT LOW to notify the
Ethernet controller chip to reject a frame under conditions
set in the Filter Control register.
/NETRDY (Network Ready, Input, TTL)
If /NETRDY is LOW, the MU9C8328A begins parsing frame
data received on the SERDAT input if SERCLK is valid.
The Ethernet controller chip, or the user, takes
/NETRDY HIGH to indicate that SERCLK or SERDAT
is invalid or is transmitting. The MU9C8328A frame parser
and internal state machines are returned to an idle state
after safely completing any LANCAM activity, while
ignoring any compare results. Internally pulled down with
nominal 50K resistor.
SYSCLK (System Clock, Input, TTL)
SYSCLK is a 20 MHz to 33 MHz continuous clock provided
by the host system and is the master clock within the
MU9C8328A. It is used to determine the presence of a valid
clock on the SERCLK input, operate the three internal state
machines, and provide the proper timing of the signals on
the LANCAM port. If SYSCLK is below 30 MHz, a
LANCAM speed grade of 120 ns is acceptable. Above 30
MHz, a LANCAM speed grade of 90 ns or better is required.
/CS (Chip Select, Input, TTL)
/CS is taken LOW by the host processor to gain access to
the registers of the MU9C8328A or to directly access the
LANCAM through the MU9C8328A internal LANCAM
registers. The state of /CS becomes effective on the rising
edge of SYSCLK. When /CS goes HIGH, the MU9C8328A
continues filtering and learning based on conditions set in
the Filter Control register and the frame activity on the
network interface.
/AS (Address Strobe, Input, TTL)
The falling edge of /AS latches the A(2–0) bus, and when
both /AS and /CS are LOW, the processor state machine
is enabled by first rising edge of the SYSCLK to begin
writes into or reads out of the MU9C8328A.
Rev. 0.8 Draft