During soldering the tab temperature must not
exceed 260°C and the soldering time must not be
longer than 12 seconds.
The external heatsink or printed circuit copper area
must be connected to electrical ground.
The junction to ambient thermal resistance can be
Figure 5 : Example of P.C. Board Copper Area
Used as Heatsink
reduced by soldering the tabs to a suitable copper
area of the printed circuit board (fig. 5) or to an
external heatsink (fig. 6).
The diagram of fig. 7 shows the maximum dissipa-
ble power Ptot and the Rth j-amb as a function of the
side ”e” of two equal square copper areas having
a thicknessof 35 µ (1.4 mil).
Figure 6 : Example of External heatsink
Figure 7 : Maximum Power Dissipation and
Junction-Ambient Thermal
Resistance versus ”e”
Figure 8 : Maximum Allowable Power
Dissipation versus Ambient