XE014J Pin Descriptions
N/C 1
Ring 2
Tip 3
N/C 4
L1 (Opt) 5
L2 (Opt) 6
N/C 7
N/C 8
N/C 9
18 RI
17 N/C
16 N/C
15 T1
14 T2
13 Mute
12 OH
11 VCC
10 Gnd
XE014J Pin Configuration
Pin Name Description
1 N/C No Connection
2 Ring Ring is one wire of the two-wire telephone line
connection (RJ11 Pin 4). FCC Part 68 Rules
require a 1500 volt isolation barrier between
the telephone line and all other circuits. This
isolation must be preserved throughout the
system. Xecom recommends 0.100 inch
spacing between traces connected to Ring and
all other conductors to preserve this isolation.
3 Tip Tip is one wire of the two-wire telephone line
connection (RJ11 Pin 3). The telephone
company places a DC "Battery" voltage across
Tip and Ring on all public switched telephone
lines. The XE014J accept this line battery
voltage without regard to its polarity.
4 N/C No Connection
5, 6 L2 L1 and L2 provide the points to connect a five
millihenry inductor. This inductor completes
the 16 KHz German billing tone filter.
7-9 N/C No Connection
10 GND Ground connection to the XE014J. This signal
provides the reference for the OH output and RI
input. This pin should be connected to the
systems digital ground.
11 VCC +5 or +3 Volt power source for the XE014J.
VCC powers the RI and OH control lines.
Pin Name Description
12 OH Switch-hook control to the modem. OH is
normally an active low input. OH is available
as an active high input by special order.
Activating OH closes the switch-hook causing
the XE014J to seize the local telephone line.
The telephone line connection is dropped when
OH is deactivated.
The host can pulse OH to simulate rotary
dialing. The pulse rate in the US is ten pulses
per second. Each digit is dialed as a series of
pulses created by closure of the hook-switch.
(one pulse for the digit one to ten pulses for the
digit zero) The pulses must be asymmetrical so
that the hook-switch is closed for thirty-one
milliseconds and open for sixty-nine
milliseconds. An inter-digit delay of at least
one hundred milliseconds is required.
13 Mute Mute is an optional signal on the XE014J.
Countries which require low impedance
dialing, such as Italy, use the Mute signal
rather than the OH signal to pulse dial.
14 T2 T2 in conjunction with T1 provides the
differential input/output for the analog signal.
T2 connects directly to the secondary side of
the line transformer embedded into the
XE014J. To match the impedance of the DAA
to the 600 ohm telephone line, a 340 ohm
resistor is required on T1 or T2.
15 T1 T1 in conjunction with T2 provides the
differential input/output for the analog signal.
T1 connects directly to the secondary side of
the line transformer embedded into the
XE014J. To match the impedance of the DAA
to the 600 ohm telephone line, a 340 ohm
resistor is required on T1 or T2.
16-17 N/C No Connection
18 RI Ring Indicate output from the modem. RI is
normally active high. RI is available as an ac-
tive low output by special order. RI provides
a square wave representation of the Ring sig-
nal present across Tip and Ring. This permits
intelligent monitoring of the incoming ring.
The XE014J recognizes ring voltages of thirty-
eight to one hundred fifty volts RMS in the
frequency range of sixteen to sixty-eight