Single-Channel 1-Wire Master with Sleep Mode
Write Configuration
Command Code
Command Parameter
Configuration Byte
Writes a new configuration byte. The new settings take effect immediately. Note: When writing to
the Configuration Register, the new data is accepted only if the upper nibble (bits 7 to 4) is the
one’s complement of the lower nibble (bits 3 to 0). When read, the upper nibble is always 0h.
Typical Use
Defining the features for subsequent 1-Wire communication.
1-Wire activity must have ended before the DS2482-101 can process this command.
Error Response
Command code and parameter are not acknowledged if 1WB = 1 at the time the command code
is received and the command is ignored.
Command Duration
None. The Configuration Register is updated on the rising SCL edge of the configuration-byte
acknowledge bit.
1-Wire Activity
Read Pointer Position
Status Bits Affected
Configuration Bits Affected
Configuration Register (to verify write).
RST set to 0.
1WS, SPU, APU updated.
1-Wire Reset
Command Code
Command Parameter
Generates a 1-Wire reset/presence-detect cycle (Figure 4) at the 1-Wire line. The state of the
1-Wire line is sampled at tSI and tMSP and the result is reported to the host processor through the
Status Register, bits PPD and SD.
Typical Use
To initiate or end any 1-Wire communication sequence.
1-Wire activity must have ended before the DS2482-101 can process this command. Strong
pullup (see SPU bit) should not be used in conjunction with the 1-Wire Reset command. If SPU is
enabled, the PPD bit may not be valid and may cause a violation of the device’s absolute
maximum rating.
Error Response
Command code is not acknowledged if 1WB = 1 at the time the command code is received and
the command is ignored.
Command Duration
1-Wire Activity
Read Pointer Position
Status Bits Affected
Configuration Bits Affected
tRSTL + tRSTH + maximum 262.5ns, counted from the falling SCL edge of the command code
acknowledge bit.
Begins maximum 262.5ns after the falling SCL edge of the command code acknowledge bit.
Status Register (for busy polling).
1WB (set to 1 for tRSTL + tRSTH), PPD is updated at tRSTL + tMSP, SD is updated at tRSTL + tSI.
1WS, APU, SPU apply.
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