TLE 4305
Table 4
Electrical Characteristics (cont’d)
8 V < VS < 42 V; -40 °C < Tj < 150 °C; IOUT = 0 mA; all voltages with respect to ground;
positive current defined flowing into pin; unless otherwise specified.
Limit Values Unit Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Output current;
current loop controlled
Output current;
current loop controlled
-8.5 -4 -2 mA
-4.5 -2.0 -0.5 mA
10 V < VS < 42 V;
VCSE = 0 V;
VCRE = 5 V;
VOUT = 0 V
8 V < VS < 10 V;
VCSE = 0 V;
VCRE = 5 V;
VOUT = 0 V
Note: The listed characteristics are ensured over the operating range of the integrated
circuit. Typical characteristics specify mean values expected over the production
spread. If not otherwise specified, typical characteristics apply at TA = 25 °C and
the given supply voltage.
Data Sheet
Rev. 2.2, 2008-11-17