Product Specification
8 Documentation
SL1 ICS31 01
Rev. 1.2
8.1 Delivery Documentation
Each wafer container and each larger shipment container is individually marked with the
identification information as follows:
• Diffusion Batch number (wafer lot number)
• Part designation (type) with revision number
• Ordering code (see chapter 4)
• Date code of lot acceptation
• Good die quantity
The print out of the final test results is attached to the packing and contains the good die quantity
related to every wafer number.
8.2 Fail-Die Identification
Every die is electrically tested according to data sheet. Identification of chips, which do not confirm
with the electrical parameters of the data sheet is done by inking and/or wafer mapping (all dies at
wafer periphery are identified by ‘FAIL’).
8.2.1 Ink Dot Specification
min. 0.4 mm
max. 20 µm
central third of die (x, y direction)
opaque, water resistant
NOTE: Uncompleted dies with an area < 95 % (wafer periphery) are not inked!
8.2.2 Wafer Mapping
Wafer mapping for failed die identification is available on Floppy-Disk.
Electroglas ESC–ASCEND on 3.5″ Floppy-Disk
NOTE: The wafer map refers to unsawn wafers. At sawn wafers (on FFC) additional ICs
might be inked (marked as fail) if damaged during the sawing process (compared to
wafer map)!
See Appendix D for an example of the wafer map.
July 2000
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