Product Specification
SL1 ICS31 01
Rev. 1.2
5.3.3 Special Functions (EAS/QUIET)
The Special Functions block holds the two EAS bits (Electronic Article Surveillance mode active
à the label answers at an EAS command) as well as the two QUIET bits (QUIET mode enabled à
the label is permanently disabled but can be activated again with the ‘Reset QUIET bit’ command).
The state of QUIET mode does not influence the functionality of the EAS command.
The remaining 28 bits (greyed ‘x’ in the following figure) are reserved for future use.
Block 3:
Byte 0
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
x|x x|x q|q e|e x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x
Quiet EAS
q|q = 1|1 à QUIET mode enabled
e|e = 1|1 à EAS mode enabled
q|q = 0|0 à QUIET mode disabled
e|e = 0|0 à EAS mode disabled
Writing of bit pairs 1|0 or 0|1 to block 3 is not allowed!
Changing of the Write Access Control or Configuration must be done in secure environment
(by reading the current value of the block and masking in the new values for bit positions that
may be changed). The label must not be moved out of the communication field of the antenna
during writing! We recommend to put the label close to the antenna and not to remove it
during operation.
5.3.4 Family Code and Application Identifier
The I•CODE system offers the feature to use (independently) Family Codes and/or Application
Identifiers with some reader commands (this allows for example the creation of ‘label families’).
These two 8-bit values are located at the beginning of User Data (block 4) as shown in the
following figure and are only evaluated if the corresponding bytes at the reader commands are
unequal to zero.
Only if both corresponding parameter bytes at the reader commands Anticollision/Select, EAS and
Unselected Read, respectively, are set to zero, block 4 can be used for user data without restriction.
Block 4:
Family Code,
Application ID
Byte 0
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x x|x
Family Code
Application ID
The greyed bytes are for customer usage as well as the remaining blocks (5 to 15) are.
5.3.5 Configuration of delivered ICs
I•CODE1 Label ICs are delivered with the following configuration by Philips:
• Serial number is unique and read only
• Write Access Conditions allow to change all blocks (with the exception of both serial number blocks)
• Status of EAS mode is not defined
• Status of QUIET mode is not defined
• Family Code and Application Identifier are not defined
• User Data memory is not defined
As the status of QUIET mode is not defined at delivery, the first command to be executed on
the I•CODE1 Label IC should be the Reset QUIET Bit command!
July 2000
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