Y/C/RGB/D for PAL/NTSC Color TVs
For the availability of this product, please contact the sales office.
The CXA2000Q is a bipolar IC which integrates the
luminance signal processing, chroma signal
processing, RGB signal processing, and sync and
deflection signal processing functions for NTSC/PAL
system color TVs onto a single chip. This IC includes
deflection processing functions for wide-screen TVs,
and is also equipped with a SECAM decoder
interface, making it possible to construct a TV
system that supports multiple color systems.
64 pin QFP (Plastic)
• I2C bus compatible
• Compatible with both PAL and NTSC systems
(also compatible with SECAM if a SECAM decoder is connected)
• Built-in deflection compensation circuit capable of supporting various wide modes
• Countdown system eliminates need for H and V oscillator frequency adjustment
• Automatic identification of 50/60Hz vertical frequency (forced control possible)
• Non-interlace display support (even/odd selectable)
• Automatic identification of PAL, NTSC, and SECAM color systems (forced control possible)
• Automatic identification of 4.43MHz/3.58MHz crystal (forced control possible)
• Non-adjusting Y/C block filter
• One CV input, one set of Y/C inputs, two sets of analog RGB inputs (one set of which can serve as both
analog and digital inputs)
• Built-in AKB circuit
• Support for forcing YS1 off
Color TVs (4:3, 16:9)
Bipolar silicon monolithic IC
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C, SGND, DGND = 0V)
• Supply voltage
SVCC1, 2, DVCC1, 2
–0.3 to 12
• Operating temperature
–20 to +65
• Storage temperature
–65 to +150
• Allowable power dissipation PD
(when mounted on 50mm × 50mm board)
• Voltages at each pin
–0.3 to SVCC1, SVCC2,
DVCC1, DVCC2 + 0.3 V
Operating Conditions
Supply voltage
SVCC1, 2
DVCC1, 2
9.0 ± 0.5
9.0 ± 0.5
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any implication or otherwise under any patents or other right. Application circuits shown, if any, are typical examples illustrating the
operation of the devices. Sony cannot assume responsibility for any problems arising out of the use of these circuits.