2. Individual pins and their operations
Input signal level, VIN − dBm
As shown above, when input level is raised and the pin 2 voltage reaches the VTH-H level of the comparator, pins 5 and 7 turn
over. (VIN = −45 dBm).
. pin 5 is for driving plungers. When it is on the ‘‘L’’ side, pin 5 turns on and can draw current up to 50 mA maximum.
. Pin 6 is a diode that prevents reverse voltages induced when the plunger is turned off from on.
. Pin 7 functions in phase with pin 5 and can drive external transistors (such as for MUTE).
3. Time delays and obtaining CRs
When input signals that have been applied at a level not less than −45 dBm are removed, discharging occurs through the CR
connected at pin 2, lowering pin 2 potential. A time delay is provided before the hysteresis comparator turns over.
E0 = − eτ
t = −τIn
E0 : Initial voltage
E1 : Threshold voltage
τ : Time constant
E1/E0, within the IC, is 0.26. A desired time delay is obtained by an appropriate choice of τ (τ = C3R1). Therefore, the time delay
is obtained by the following formula:
t = 1.34 × C3R1 (sec)
We recommend 150 kΩ to 500 kΩ for R when determining CR.
.4. IC usage notes
Maximum ratings
. When maximum ratings are surpassed, destruction or deterioration may result.
Interpin short circuits and reverse insertions
These cause destruction or deterioration of the IC: be careful when mounting on circuit board.
. Voltage applied to pin 7 should never exceed pin 8 voltage.
. The current flowing into pin 7 is to be 0.5 mA maximum.