Control Circuitry
The output of the rms level detector is a signal proportional to
the log of the true rms value of the buffer output with an added
dc offset. The control circuitry subtracts a dc voltage from this
signal, scales it, and sends the result to the VCA to control the
gain. The VCA’s gain control is logarithmic: a linear change in
control signal causes a dB change in gain. It is this control law
that allows linear processing of the log rms signal to provide the
flat compression characteristic on the input/output characteris-
tic shown in Figure 2.
Compression Ratio
Changing the scaling of the control signal fed to the VCA
causes a change in the circuit’s compression ratio, “r.” This
effect is shown in Figure 6. The compression ratio can be set by
connecting a resistor between the COMP RATIO pin (Pin 6)
and GND. Lowering RCOMP gives smaller compression ratios
as indicated in TPC 1, with values of about 5 kΩ or less result-
ing in a compression ratio of 1:1. AGC performance is achieved
with compression ratios between 2:1 and 15:1, and is depen-
dent on the application. A 200 kΩ potentiometer may be used
to allow this parameter to be adjusted.
Figure 6. Effect of Varying the Compression Ratio
Rotation Point
An internal dc reference voltage in the control circuitry sets the
rotation point. The rotation point determines the output level
above which limiting occurs. That is, in the limiting region, a
10 dB change of input results in a 1 dB change of output. The
rotation point is set to 40 mV (–26 dBu) for the SSM2165-1
and 100 mV (–18 dBu) for the SSM2165-2. In the SSM2165,
limiting is compression at a fixed compression ratio of approxi-
mately 15:1. The fixed gain in the VCA is 18 dB for the
SSM2165-1 and 8 dB for the SSM2165-2. The output signals
at limiting are, therefore, 320 mV and 250 mV respectively.
These are summarized in Table I.
Maximum Output
Since limiting occurs for signals larger than the rotation point
(VIN > VRP), the rotation point effectively sets the maximum
output signal level. The application will determine which ver-
sion of the SSM2165 should be selected. The output level
should match the maximum input allowed by the following
stage. Occasional larger signal transients will then be attenuated
by the action of the limiter.
Downward Expansion Threshold
The downward expansion threshold, or noise gate, is deter-
mined by a reference voltage internal to the control circuitry.
The noise gate threshold is 500 µV for both versions of the
SSM2165. Users requiring some other noise gate should con-
sider using the SSM2166. High volume users may wish to
consider a custom version of the SSM2165 with other noise
gate thresholds or rotation points.
Power-On/Power-Off Settling Time
Cycling the power supply to the SSM2165 will result in quick
settling times: the off-on settling time of the SSM2165 is less
than 200 ms, while the on-off settling time is less than 1 ms.
Note that transients may appear at the output of the device
during power up and power down. A clickless mute function is
available on the SSM2166 only.
PC Board Layout Considerations
Since the SSM2165 is capable of wide bandwidth operation at
high gain, special care must be exercised in the layout of the PC
board which contains the IC and its associated components.
The following applications hints should be considered and/or
1. In some high system gain applications, the shielding of input
wires to minimize possible feedback from the output of the
SSM2165 back to the input circuit may be necessary.
2. A single-point (“star”) ground implementation is recom-
mended in addition to maintaining short lead lengths and
PC board runs. In systems where an analog ground and a
digital ground are available, the SSM2165 and its surround-
ing circuitry should be connected to the analog ground.
Wire-wrap board connections and grounding implementa-
tions are to be explicitly avoided.
3. The internal buffer of the SSM2165 was designed to drive
only the input of the internal VCA and its own feedback
network. Stray capacitive loading to ground from either Pin
3 or Pin 2 in excess of 5 pF to 10 pF can cause excessive
phase shift and can lead to circuit instability.
4. When using high impedance sources, it can be advantageous
to shunt the source with a capacitor to ground at the input
pin of the IC (Pin 4) to lower the source impedance at high
frequencies, as shown in Figure 7. A capacitor with a value
of 1000 pF is a good starting value and sets a low pass corner
at 31 kHz for 5 kΩ sources.
(RS > 5k⍀)
Figure 7. Circuit Configuration for Use with High
Impedance Signal Sources