Audio ICs
RDS / RBDS decoder
BU1923 / BU1923F
The BU1923 and BU1923F are RDS / RBDS decoders that employ a digital PLL and have a built-in anti-aliasing filter
and an eight-stage BPF (switched-capacitor filter). Linear CMOS circuitry is used for low power consumption.
RDS / RBDS compatible FM receivers for American and European markets, car stereos, high-fidelity stereo systems
and components, and FM pagers.
1) Low current.
2) Two-stage anti-aliasing filter (LPF).
3) 57kHz band-pass filter.
FAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25_C)
4) DSB demodulation (digital PLL).
5) Quality indication output for demodulated data.
FRecommended operating conditions (Ta = 25_C)