Key Application Considerations
General Guidelines
• Keep the SOURCE pin length very short. Use a Kelvin
connection to the SOURCE pin for the CONTROL pin by-
pass capacitor. Use single point grounding techniques
at the SOURCE pin as shown in Figure 9.
• Minimize peak voltage and ringing on the DRAIN volt-
age at turn-off. Use a Zener or TVS Zener diode to
clamp the drain voltage below the breakdown voltage
rating of TOPSwitch under all conditions, including start-
up and overload. The maximum recommended clamp
Zener voltage for the TOP2XX series is 200 V and the
corresponding maximum reflected output voltage on the
primary is 135 V. Please see Step 4: AN-16 in the 1996-
97 Data Book and Design Guide or on our Web site.
• The transformer should be designed such that the rate
of change of drain current due to transformer saturation
is within the absolute maximum specification (∆ID in
100 ns before turn off as shown in Figure 13). As a
guideline, for most common transformer cores, this can
be achieved by maintaining the Peak Flux Density (at
maximum ILIMIT current) below 4200 Gauss (420 mT).
The transformer spreadsheets Rev. 2.1 (or later) for con-
tinuous and Rev.1.0 (or later) for discontinuous conduc-
tion mode provide the necessary information.
• Do not plug TOPSwitch into a “hot” IC socket dur-
ing test. External CONTROL pin capacitance may be
charged to excessive voltage and cause TOPSwitch
• While performing TOPSwitch device tests, do not
exceed maximum CONTROL pin voltage of 9 V or maxi-
mum CONTROL pin current of 100 mA.
• Under some conditions, externally provided bias or
supply current driven into the CONTROL pin can hold
the TOPSwitch in one of the 8 auto-restart cycles in-
definitely and prevent starting. To avoid this problem when
doing bench evaluations, it is recommended that the VC
power supply be turned on before the DRAIN voltage is
applied. TOPSwitch can also be reset by shorting the
CONTROL pin to the SOURCE pin momentarily.
• CONTROL pin currents during auto-restart operation
are much lower at low input voltages (< 36 V) which in-
creases the auto-restart cycle time (see the IC vs. DRAIN
Voltage Characteristic curve).
• Short interruptions of AC power may cause TOPSwitch
to enter the 8-count auto-restart cycle before starting
again. This is because the input energy storage capaci-
tors are not completely discharged and the CONTROL
pin capacitance has not discharged below the internal
power-up reset voltage.
• In some cases, minimum loading may be necessary to
keep a lightly loaded or unloaded output voltage within
the desired range due to the minimum ON-time.
Replacing TOPSwitch with TOPSwitch-II
There is no external latching shutdown function in
TOPSwitch-II. Otherwise, the functionality of the TOPSwitch-II
devices is same as that of the TOPSwitch family. However,
before considering TOPSwitch-II as a 'drop in' replace-
ment in an existing TOPSwitch design, the design should
be verified as described below.
The new TOPSwitch-II family offers more power capability
than the original TOPSwitch family for the same MOSFET
RDS(ON). Therefore, the original TOPSwitch design must
be reviewed to make sure that the selected TOPSwitch-II
replacement device and other primary components are not
over stressed under abnormal conditions.
The following verification steps are recommended:
• Check the transformer design to make sure that it
meets the ∆ID specification as outlined in the General
Guidelines section above.
• Thermal: Higher power capability of the TOPSwitch-II
would in many instances allow use of a smaller MOS-
FET device (higher RDS(ON)) for reduced cost. This may
affect TOPSwitch power dissipation and power supply
efficiency. Therefore thermal performance of the power
supply must be verified with the selected TOPSwitch-II
• Clamp Voltage: Reflected and Clamp voltages should
be verified not to exceed recommended maximums
for the TOP2XX Series: 135 V Reflected/200 V Clamp.
Please see Step 4: AN-16 in the Data Book and Design
Guide and readme.txt file attached to the transformer
design spreadsheets.
• Agency Approval: Migrating to TOPSwitch-II may
require agency re-approval.
Rev. G 08/16