8-Bit Microcontroller
SDA 30C163-2
Preliminary Data
1 Features
q SAB 8051 Architecture
– On-chip oscillator and clock circuits
– Binary or decimal arithmetic
– Signed-overflow detection and parity computation
– Integrated Boolean processor for control applications
– Full depth stack for subroutine return linkage and
data storage
– Two priority level, nested interrupt structure
– 16-MHz oscillator frequency, 0.75 µs instruction cycle
– 8 data pointer registers
q Serial Interface
– Full duplex UART-interface
q On-Chip RAM
– Direct byte and bit addressability
– Four register banks
– 256 bytes of data memory,
including 128 user-defined software flags
– 1024 bytes of data memory accessible
with MOVX-instructions
q External Program Memory Interface
– 512 Kbytes of program memory may be addressed
by a 8-bit data bus and a 16 + 3-bit address bus
– Extension stack depth 32 byte
Semiconductor Group