5-Pin, Multiple-Input,
Programmable Reset ICs
* MAX6306/MAX6307/MAX6309/MAX6310/MAX6312/MAX6313 ONLY
** MAX6305–MAX6310 ONLY
*** MAX6311/MAX6312/MAX6313 ONLY
† MAX6307/MAX6310/MAX6313 ONLY
†† MAX6305/MAX6308/MAX6311 ONLY
††† MAX6306/MAX6309/MAX6312 ONLY
Figure 1. Functional Diagram
open-drain, N-channel output. The MAX6308/MAX6309/
MAX6310 feature an active-low, complementary output
structure that both sinks and sources current, and the
MAX6311/MAX6312/MAX6313 have an active-high com-
plementary reset output.
The MAX6305/MAX6308/MAX6311 switch from under-
voltage lockout operation to normal operation between
1.5V < VCC < 2.5V. Below 1.5V, VCC undervoltage-
lockout mode asserts RESET. Above 2.5V, VCC normal-
operation mode asserts reset if RST IN_ falls below the
RST IN_ threshold.
Manual-Reset Input
Many µP-based products require manual-reset capability,
allowing an operator or external logic circuitry to initiate a
reset. A logic low on MR asserts reset. Reset remains
asserted while MR is low, and for a reset active timeout
period (tRP) after MR returns high. This input has an inter-
nal 63.5kΩ pull-up resistor, so it can be left open if it is not
used. MR can be driven with TTL-logic levels in 5V sys-
tems, with CMOS-logic levels in 3V systems, or with open-
drain/collector output devices. Connect a normally open
momentary switch from MR to GND to create a manual-
reset function; external debounce circuitry is not required.
If MR is driven from long cables or if the device is used in
a noisy environment, connecting a 0.1µF capacitor from
MR to ground provides additional noise immunity.
The MR pin has internal ESD-protection circuitry that may
be forward biased under certain conditions, drawing
excessive current. For example, assume the circuitry driv-
ing MR uses a +5V supply other than VCC. If VCC drops or
browns out lower than +4.7V, MR’s absolute maximum rat-
ing is violated (-0.3V to (VCC + 0.3V)), and undesirable
current flows through the ESD structure from MR to VCC.
To avoid this, it is recommended that the supply for the MR
pin be the same as the supply monitored by VCC. In this
way, the voltage at MR will not exceed VCC.
Adjustable Reset Inputs
The MAX6305–MAX6313 each have one or more reset
inputs (RST IN_ /OVRST IN). These inputs are com-
pared to the internal reference voltage (Figure 1).
Connect a resistor voltage divider to RST IN_ such that
VRST IN_ falls below VRSTH (1.23V) when the monitored
voltage (VIN) falls below the desired reset threshold
(VTH) (Figure 2). Calculate the desired reset voltage
with the following formula:
6 _______________________________________________________________________________________