Infineon Technologies
Cool MOS™ Power Transistor

45A, 600V, UFS Series N-Channel IGBT

Infineon Technologies
Cool MOS™ Power Transistor

Infineon Technologies
CoolMOS™ Power Transistor

Fairchild Semiconductor
600V, SMPS Series N-Channel IGBT with Anti-Parallel Hyperfast Diode

HiPerFAST™ IGBT with Diode

Infineon Technologies
Cool MOS™ Power Transistor

Hitachi -> Renesas Electronics
HITACHI Encapsulation, DIP 16

Infineon Technologies
Cool MOS™ Power Transistor

Fairchild Semiconductor
600V, SMPS Series N-Channel IGBT with Anti-Parallel Hyperfast Diode

Infineon Technologies
CoolMOS™ Power Transistor

Harris Semiconductor
40A, 600V, Rugged UFS Series N-Channel IGBTs

Infineon Technologies
Cool MOS™ Power Transistor

600V, SMPS Series N-Channel IGBT with Anti-Parallel Hyperfast Diode