HP => Agilent Technologies
IrDA® Data 1.4 Compliant 4 Mb/s 3V Infrared Transceiver

Avago Technologies
IrDA® Data Compliant 4 Mbit/s Infrared Transceiver

HP => Agilent Technologies
IrDA® Data Compliant 4 Mbit/s Infrared Transceiver

LiteOn Technology
IrDA® Data Compliant 115.2 kb/s 3 V to 5 V Infrared Transceiver

Avago Technologies
IrDA® Data 1.4 Compliant 4 Mb/s 3V Infrared Transceiver

HP => Agilent Technologies
IrDA® Data Compliant 115.2 kb/s 3 V to 5 V Infrared Transceiver

Avago Technologies
IrDA® Data 1.4 Compliant 4 Mb/s 3V Infrared Transceiver

Avago Technologies
IrDA® Data 1.4 Compliant 4 Mb/s 3V Infrared Transceiver

LiteOn Technology
IrDA® Data Compliant 115.2 kb/s 3 V to 5 V Infrared Transceiver

HP => Agilent Technologies
IrDA® Data 1.4 Compliant 4 Mb/s 3V Infrared Transceiver

HP => Agilent Technologies
IrDA® Data Compliant 4 Mbit/s Infrared Transceiver

LiteOn Technology
IrDA® Data Compliant 115.2 kb/s 3 V to 5 V Infrared Transceiver

LiteOn Technology
IrDA® Data 1.4 Compliant 4 Mb/s 3V Infrared Transceiver