Advance Information
signals. The user may choose to ignore these
outputs when FSK data is not expected, or force the
MT88E39 into its power down mode.
Power Down Mode
For applications requiring reduced power
consumption, the MT88E39 can be forced into power
down when it is not needed. This is done by pulling
the PWDN pin high. In power down mode, the
oscillator, op-amp and internal circuitry are all
disabled and the MT88E39 will not react to the input
signal. DR and CD are at high impedance or at logic
high (modes 0 and 1 respectively). In mode 0, DATA
and DCLK are at logic high. The MT88E39 can be
awakened for reception of the FSK signal by pulling
the PWDN pin low.
Carrier Detect
The carrier detector provides an indication of the
presence of a signal in the FSK frequency band. It
detects the presence of a signal of sufficient
amplitude at the output of the FSK bandpass filter.
The signal is qualified by a digital algorithm before
the CD output is set low to indicate carrier detection.
A 10ms hysteresis is provided to allow for
momentary signal drop out once CD has been
activated. CD is released when there is no activity at
the FSK bandpass filter output for 10 ms.
When CD is inactive (high), the raw output of the
demodulator is ignored by the data timing recovery
circuit (see Figure 1). In mode 0, the DATA pin is
forced high. No DCLK or DR signal is generated. In
mode 1, the internal shift register is not updated and
no DR is generated. If DCLK is clocked (in mode 1),
DATA is undefined.
Note that signals such as CAS, speech and DTMF
tones also lie in the FSK frequency band and the
carrier detector may be activated by these signals.
They will be demodulated and presented as data. To
avoid false data, the PWDN pin should be used to
disable the FSK demodulator when no FSK signal is
Ringing, on the other hand, does not pose a problem
as it is ignored by the carrier detector.
Crystal Oscillator
The MT88E39 uses either a 3.579545MHz ceramic
resonator or crystal oscillator as the master timing
The crystal specification is as follows:
3.579545 MHz
Frequency tolerance:
Resonance mode:
Load capacitance:
18 pF
Maximum series resistance: 150 ohms
Maximum drive level (mW): 2 mW
e.g. CTS MP036S
to the
3.579545 MHz
next MT88E39
(For 5V application only)
Figure 5 - Common Crystal Connection
For 5V applications any number of MT88E39 devices
can be connected as shown in Figure 5 such that
only one crystal is required. The connection between
OSC2 and OSC1 can be DC coupled as shown, or
the OSC1 input on all devices can be driven from a
CMOS buffer (dc coupled) with the OSC2 outputs left
VRef and CAP Inputs
VRef is the output of a low impedance voltage source
equal to VDD/2 and is used to bias the input op-amp.
A 0.1µF capacitor is required between CAP and VSS
to suppress noise on VRef.
Table 1 shows the Bellcore and ETSI FSK signal
characteristics. The application circuit in Figure 6 will
meet these requirements.
For 5V designs the input op-amp should be set to
unity gain to meet the Bellcore requirements and
-2.5 dB gain for ETSI requirements.
As supply voltage (VDD) is decreased, the FSK
detect threshold will be lowered. Therefore for
designs operating at other than 5V nominal voltage,
to meet the FSK reject level requirement the gain of
the op-amp should be reduced accordingly.
For 3V designs the gain settings for Bellcore and
ETSI should be -3dB and -5.5dB respectively.