Mask Register 2 does not have this mode, but can be
shifted left or right one bit at a time. For masking
comparisons, data stored in the active selected mask
register determines which bits of the comparand are
compared against the valid contents of the memory. If a
bit is set HIGH in the mask register, the same bit position
in the Comparand register becomes a “don’t care” for
the purpose of the comparison with all the memory
locations. During a Data Write cycle or a MOV instruction,
data in the specified active mask register can also
determine which bits in the destination will be updated.
If a bit is HIGH in the mask register, the corresponding
bit of the destination is unchanged.
The match line associated with each memory address is fed
into a priority encoder where multiple responses are
resolved, and the address of the Highest-Priority responder
(the lowest numerical match address) is generated. In LAN
applications, a multiple response might indicate an error. In
other applications the existence of multiple responders may
be valid.
Four input control signals and commands loaded into an
instruction decoder control the LANCAM MP. Two of the
four input control signals determine the cycle type. The
control signals tell the device whether the data on the I/O
bus represents data or a command, and is input or output.
Commands are decoded by instruction logic and control
moves, forced compares, validity bit manipulations, and
the data path within the device. Registers (Control, Segment
Control, Address, Next Free Address, etc.) are accessed
using Temporary Command Override instructions. The data
path from the DQ bus to/from data resources (comparand,
masks, and memory) within the device are set until changed
by Select Persistent Source and Destination instructions.
After a Compare cycle (caused by either a data write to the
Comparand or mask registers, a write to the Control register,
or a forced compare), the Status register contains the
address of the Highest-Priority Matching location in that
device, concatenated with its page address, along with
flags indicating internal match, multiple match, and full.
When the Status register is read with a Command Read
cycle, the device with the Highest-Priority match will
respond, outputting the System Match address to the DQ
bus. The internal Match (/MA) and Multiple match (/MM)
flags are also output on pins. Another set of flags (/MF
and /FF) that are qualified by the match and full flags of
previous devices in the system are also available directly
on output pins, and are independently daisy-chained to
provide System Match and Full flags in vertically cascaded
LANCAM arrays. In such arrays, if no match occurs during
a comparison, read access to the memory and all the
registers except the Next Free register is denied to prevent
device contention. In a daisy chain, all devices will respond
to Command and Data Write cycles, depending on the
conditions shown in Tables 6a and 6b on page 12, unless
the operation involves the Highest-Priority Match address
or the Next Free address; in which case, only the specific
device having the Highest-Priority match or the Next Free
address will respond.
A Page Address register in each device simplifies vertical
expansion in systems using more than one LANCAM. This
register is loaded with a specific device address during
system initialization, which then serves as the higher-order
address bits. A Device Select register allows the user to
target a specific device within a vertically cascaded system
by setting it equal to the Page Address Register value, or
to address all the devices in a string at the same time by
setting the Device Select value to FFFFH.
Figure 1a shows expansion using a daisy chain. Note that
system flags are generated without the need for external
logic. The Page Address register allows each device in the
vertically cascaded chain to supply its own address in the
event of a match, eliminating the need for an external priority
encoder to calculate the complete Match address at the
expense of the ripple through time to resolve the highest-
priority match. The Full flag daisy chaining allows
Associative writes using a Move to Next Free Address
instruction which does not need a supplied address.
Figure 1b shows an external PLD implementation of a simple
priority encoder that eliminates the daisy chain ripple
through delays for systems requiring maximum performance
from many CAMS.
Rev. 1a