MU9C Binary Routing Coprocessor (RCP) Family
Control State Descriptions
Control State:
No Operation
NOP Binary
Binary Op-Code: XXX XXX 000 011
/W: LOW /AV: HIGH PA:AA: n/c Scope: n/a
Description: No operation. The device performs no
operation during the cycle. No existing states change. DSC
must be LOW.
Control State:
Read Next Free Address
Binary Op-Code: XXX XXX 000 011
/W: HIGH /AV: HIGH PA:AA: n/c Scope: NFD
Description: Reads the value of the Next Free address on
the DQ11–0/DQ12–0 bus. In a vertically cascaded system
this will be in the device whose /FI=LOW and /FF=HIGH,
and at the highest-priority location whose Validity bit is
set HIGH. This value is the address of the location where a
subsequent Write at Next Free Address cycle will be
written. The Page address of the device value is output
DQ19–16; DQ31–20 are LOW. DSC must be LOW.
Control State:
Write Address Register
WR AR{MRnnn}
Binary Op-Code: XXX nnn 000 100
/W: LOW /AV: HIGH PA:AA: n/c Scope: AS
Description: Writes data from the DQ31–0 bus to the
Address register. The write is masked by the contents of
Mask Register nnn. When nnn=000 no mask is used; when
masking is selected, only bits in the addressed location
that correspond to LOW values in the selected mask
register are updated. DSC must be LOW.
Control State:
Read Address Register
Binary Op-Code: XXX XXX 000 100
/W: HIGH /AV: HIGH PA:AA: n/c Scope: S
Description: Reads the contents of the Address register to
the DQ31–0 bus. DSC must be LOW.
Control State:
Write Configuration Register
WR FR{MRnnn}
Binary Op-Code: XXX nnn 000 110
/W: LOW /AV: HIGH PA:AA: n/c Scope: AS
Description: Writes data from the DQ31–0 bus to the
Configuration register. The write is masked by the
contents of Mask Register nnn. When nnn=000 no mask is
used; when masking is selected, only bits in the addressed
location that correspond to LOW values in the selected
mask register are updated. DSC must be LOW.
Control State:
Read Configuration Register
Binary Op-Code: XXX XXX 000 110
/W: HIGH /AV: HIGH PA:AA: n/c Scope: S
Description: Reads the contents of the Configuration
register to the DQ31–0 bus. DSC must be LOW.
Control State:
Write Device Select Register
WR DS{MRnnn}
Binary Op-Code: XXX nnn 001 000
/W: LOW /AV: HIGH PA:AA: n/c Scope: AS
Description: Writes data from the DQ31–0 bus to the
Device Select register. The write is masked by the contents
of Mask Register nnn. When nnn=000 no mask is used;
when masking is selected, only bits in the addressed
location that correspond to LOW values in the selected
mask register are updated. DSC must be LOW.
Control State:
Read Device Select Register
Binary Op-Code: XXX XXX 001 000
/W: HIGH AV: HIGH PA:AA: n/c Scope: S
Description: Reads the contents of the Device Select
register to the DQ31–0 bus. DSC must be LOW.
Control State:
Read Status Register
Binary Op-Code: XXX XXX 000 111
/W: HIGH /AV: HIGH PA:AA: n/c Scope: HPD/S
Description: Reads the contents of the Status register to
the DQ31–0 bus. After a Comparison or Read/Write at
Highest-Priority Matching Address cycle only the
highest-priority device with a match responds to this
control state; in the event of a mismatch, the
lowest-priority device responds. After a random access
Read or Write cycle into the Memory array, RD SR will
take place in any selected device. DSC must be LOW.
Control State:
Write Comparand Register
WRs CR{MRnnn}
Binary Op-Code: XXX nnn 000 101
/W: LOW /AV: HIGH PA:AA: n/c Scope: AS
Description: Writes data from the DQ31–0 bus to bits
31-0 (DSC LOW) or 63-32 (DSC HIGH) of the
Comparand register. The write is masked by bits 31–0
(DSC LOW) or 63-32 (DSC HIGH) of Mask Register nnn.
When nnn=000 no mask is used; when masking is
selected, only bits in the addressed location that
correspond to LOW values in the selected mask register
are updated.
Rev. 6