1. In BCM, every time the 65 mV line is crossed, the
switch is immediately turned–on. By accounting for
the internal Demag pin capacitance (10–15 pF
typical), you can introduce a fixed delay, which,
combined to the propagation delay, allows to precisely
re–start in the drain–source valley (minimum voltage
to reduce capacitive losses).
2. When the IC enters VFM, the VCO delivers a pulse
which is internally latched. As soon as the
demagnetization pulse appears, the logic re–starts the
3. As can be seen from Figure 13, the parasitic
oscillations on the drain are subject to a natural
damping, mainly imputed to ohmic losses. At a given
point, the demag activity on the auxiliary winding
becomes too low to be detected. To avoid any re–start
problem, the TY72001 features an internal 4.0 µs
timeout delay. This timeout runs after each demag
pulse. If within 4.0 µs further to a demag pulse no
activity is detected, an internal signal is combined
with the VCO to actually re–start the MOSFET
(synchronized with Ct).
Error Amplifier and Fault Detection
The NCP1205 features an internal error amplifier solely
used to detect an overcurrent problem. The application
assumes that all the error gain associated with the precise
reference level is located on the secondary side of the SMPS.
Various solutions can be purposely implemented such as the
TL431 or a dedicated circuit like the MC33341. In the
NCP1205, the internal OPAMP is used to create a virtual
ground permanently biased at 2.5 V (Figure 14), an internal
reference level. By monitoring this virtual ground further
called V(–), we have the possibility to confirm the good
behavior of the loop. If by any mean the loop is broken
(shorted optocoupler, open LED etc.) or the regulation
cannot be reached (true output short–circuit), the OPAMP
network is adjusted in order to no longer be able to ensure
the 2.5 V virtual point V(–). If V(–) passes down the 1.5 V
level (e.g. output shorted) for a time longer than 128 ms, then
the pulses are stopped for 8 x 128 ms. The IC enters a kind
of burst mode with bunch of pulses lasting 128 ms and
repeating every 8 x 128 ms. If the loop is restored within the
8 x 128 ms period, then the pulses are back again on the
output drive (synchronized with UVLOH).
Drain Level
Possible Demag
Auxiliary Level
65 mV
4 µs
IP = 0
Restart when Demag is too low
750.0 U
754.0 U
758.0 U
762.0 U
766.0 U
Figure 14. Core Reset Detection is done through
an Auxiliary Winding Operated in Forward