TETRA Baseband Processor
Configuration Control register
General configuration bits, together with operational control signal bits.
Active State
7 DataRateHi
High RW When set active all serial port data transfers will be at
half of the master clock rate. When inactive, all serial
port data rates will be at a quarter of the master clock
rate. This has the effect of altering the Rx sample output
rate from 8 times the symbol rate when active to 4 times
when inactive.
6 TxHandshakeEn
High RW When set active enable the transmit hardware interlock
protocol, thereby stopping the Serial Clock (SClk) if the
transmit path is enabled and the transmit FIFO is full.
5 BiDirCmdPortEn
High RW When this bit is set active the Cmd port will drive its
data line out of the chip for the last 8 bits of read
operations. When set inactive command read data will
be returned on either the Rx or the CmdRd port
4 RxDataForCmdRdEn
High RW
This bit only takes effect if the BiDirCmdPortEn bit is
inactive. When set active this bit causes all command
read operations to respond with data on the Rx serial
port. When set inactive the command read data will be
output via the CmdRd port (default).
(5,4) CommandReadDataMode
RW The BiDirCmdPortEn bit and RxDataForCmdRdEn bit
together control the method by which command read
data is returned to the user.
(Default) Read data returned on CmdRd port.
Read data returned on Rx port and CmdRd port
Read data returned on Cmd port.
3 LowRxRdFS
High RW When set active both the CmdRdFS and the RxFS
output pins will be driven active low, when set inactive
the two frame sync's will be driven active high (default).
2 RxDataPortDisable
High RW When set active tristates the RxDat and RxFS pins.
1 RdCmdPortDisable
High RW When set active tristates the CmdRdDat and CmdRdFS
0 SymboModuBypass
High RW Setting this bit bypasses the Modulator, thereby taking
the least significant 3 bits of each Command Transmit
Data Serial Word received via the serial interface to
represent an absolute constellation mapping.
© 1997 Consumer Microcircuits Limited