TETRA Baseband Processor
Configuration Control register
General configuration bits, together with operational control signal bits.
5 n_SlowDown
4 SRamIoRdInc
3 SRamloEn
2 CoeffRamIoRdInc
1 CoeffRamloEn
Active State
RW Reserved. Set this bit Low. Undefined on read.
RW User defined bit. This bit has no internal functionality and
is reset Low with the global N_RESET pin. The user may
employ this bit for any useful purpose.
Low RW When active, this bit reduces the slew rate of digital output
pins. This reduces power consumption, ground bounce and
reflection problems associated with fast edges on poorly
terminated lines. De-activation speeds up the digital
outputs, but increases power consumption, ground bounce
and reflection problems. It is anticipated that the latter
mode will be used only in 3.3V systems.
High RW This bit determines whether a read or write operation to the
Auxiliary SRAM will increment the address pointers. When
set active causes read operations to move the address
pointer on, this would therefore allow an efficient write then
read verify scheme to be used. When set inactive write
operations increment the address pointer.
High RW When set active allows read/write access to the Auxiliary
SRAM. It is only valid to activate this bit when the SRAM is
not being accessed by the RamDac. When this bit is set
active, the first access to SramData will access the first
SRAM address location. Subsequent read or write
accesses will increment the address pointer to the next
memory location.
High RW This bit determines whether a read or write operation to a
coefficient memory will increment the address pointers.
When set active the address pointer is incremented by any
coefficient ram read operation, thereby allowing a write
then read verification. When set inactive, write operations
increment the address pointer.
High RW When set active allows read/write access to all the
coefficient memories. This bit is valid only when the Tx and
Rx Data paths are inactive. When this bit is set active, the
first access to any of the coefficient memories will access
the first coefficient location (A1). Subsequent read or write
accesses to any coefficient memory will increment the
address pointers for all the coefficient memories.
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