9. VAGC=8V. SG1 :45.75MHz(P:picture) 100mVrms, SG2:41.25MHz(S: Sound) 32mVrms(-10dB of
SG1),SG3:42.17MHz(C:Chroma) 32mVrms(-10dB of SG1)
9.1. Setting VAGC so that the output Pin12 will be 3.0V DC.
9.2. Measure the level difference between the C-level and 920kHz.
10. VAGC=8V. VIF Input : f=45.75MHz video signal (RAMP) 87.5% AM 100mVp-p. Setting ATT so that the SYNC TIP
level of Pin12 will be 2.5VDC measure DP and DG.
11. VAGC=5V. f=45.75MHz. Measure RIN and CIN.
12. S1=ON, S3=2,S5=1,S4=2
13. Pin 14 open. VIF Input : 45.75MHz CW 20mVrms.
13.1. Adjust the voltate of Pin 3 so that the voltage of Pin4 will be 6.0V DC.
13.2. Measure the Pin 3.
14. Pin 14 open. VIF Input: 45 .75MHz 100% APL 87.5% AM Modulation signal amplitude 50mVp-p mesure the
detected output voltage (white peak to SYNC TIP)
15. PIN14: Op en. SG1 :45.75MHz CW 100mvrms. SG2 :41.25MHz CW 25mVrms. Measre SIF(4.5MHz) output
voltage at Pin12.
16. SIF input: f=4.5MHz FM fMOD=400Hzm Df=+-25kHz
16.1. Adjust SIF input level 100mVp-p and measure the detected output level Vos.
16.2. Then decrease the i nput level so that the detected output level will be 3dB down of Vos and measure the
input level.
17. SIF input: f=4.5MHz, FM fMOD=400Hz Df=+-25kHz. AM 30%,input level Vins=80dB m.
18. SIF input: f=4.5MHz, fM fMOD=400Hz Df=+-25kHz. Input level Vins=80dB m
19. SIF input: f=4.4~4.6MHz variable or sweep measure the outjput DC voltage change.
20. SIF inptut : f=4.5MHz, FM FMOD=400Hz Df=+-25kHz, input level Vins=80dB m.
20.1. Measure the detected output voltagae vOA with Rx= .
20.2. Then, adjust Rx so that the d etected output voltage will be VOA/2 and measure Rx.
Contek Microelectronics Co.,Ltd.
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