Optical disc ICs
4. Torque command (spindle: pin 24, sled motor: pin 28 and 29) / output current detection terminals (spindle: pin 20, sled
motor: pin 31 and 32)
The relation between the torque command input and the output current detection terminals input is expressed as
shown below:
FWD rotation
Dead zone +
Dead zone −
SLIN1, 2
The input-output gain (gm) and the output-limit current (ILIM) depend on the resistance of RNF (output current
detection resistor). Please refer to the following expression.
The gain to drive the spindle or the sled motor can be decreased by connecting a resistor in series to each input
Gain expression
Input-output gain gm (A/V)
Output-limit current Ilim (A)
Gain with the added resistor gm (A/V) 15k/{SPRNF×(Rin+15k)}
Rin : added series resistor
5. PWM oscillation frequency
The PWM oscillation for driving the spindle and sled is free running. The oscillating frequency is 100kHz (typ.).
6. Muting functions
a) VC-drop muting
When the voltage at VC terminal (pin 27) drops to a value lower than 0.7V (typ.), the outputs of all the channels are
turned off. Set the VC terminal voltage to larger than 1.0V.
b) VCC-drop muting
When the voltages at DVCC terminal (pin 54) and VCC terminal (pin 51) drop to lower than 3.8V (typ.), the outputs of
all the channels are turned off.
c) Over voltage protection circuit
When the voltages at VCC terminal (pin 51) drop to uper than 15.5V (typ.), the output of only the spindle block is
turned off.
7. Thermal-shutdown
A thermal-shutdown circuit (over-temperature protection circuit) is built in to prevent the IC from thermal breakdown.
Use the IC under the thermal loss allowed to the package. In case the IC is left running over the allowable loss, the
junction temperature rises, and the thermal-shutdown circuit works at the junction temperature of 175°C (typ.) (the
outputs of all the channels are turned off). When the junction temperature drops to 150°C (typ.), the IC start operating