Function SIE Interface
Preliminary Product Information
Ethernet MAC
The Ethernet MAC (Media Access Control) logic supports the
standard IEEE 802.3 specification for 10 MB. The MAC supports
full duplex operation at 10M bit data rates.
PHY Interface
The PHY interface implements the PCS (Physical Coding Sublayer)
function allowing for a glue-less interface to a TP-PMD (Twisted
Pair-Physical Medium Dependent) PHY with a Manchester ENDEC
(ENCoder DECoder). Both full and half duplex operational modes
are supported.
Module Diagram
• Configuration Options including CRC generation,
padding of small packets to minimum packet size,
and transmission of giant (>1518 byte) packets are
also available.
• Status reporting including CRC errors, excessive
collisions, late collisions, transmit FIFO underrun,
receive FIFO overrun, and transmitted and received
byte counts.
• Built in jabber protection and loss of carrier and SQE
(Signal Quality Error) detection are also built into
the KCUSB16.