2-Channel Temperature Monitor with Dual
Automatic PWM Fan-Speed Controller
Table 1. Temperature Data Byte Format
1111 0001
1111 0000
0111 1110
0001 1001
0000 0001
0000 0000
perature register read before the scheduled update.
This allows enough time to read the main register
before it is updated, thereby preventing reading the
temperature register data from one conversion and the
extended temperature register data from a different
The MAX6640 measures the temperature at a fixed rate
of 4Hz immediately after it is powered on. Setting bit 7
of the configuration register (04h) shuts down the tem-
perature measurement cycle.
OT Output
When a measured temperature exceeds the corre-
sponding OT temperature threshold and OT is not
masked, the associated OT status register bit sets and
the OT output asserts. If OT for the respective channel
is masked, the OT status register sets, but the OT out-
put does not assert. To deassert the OT output and the
associated status register bit, either the measured tem-
perature must fall at least 5°C below the trip threshold
or the trip threshold must be increased to at least 5°C
above the current measured temperature.
When a measured temperature exceeds the corre-
sponding THERM temperature threshold and THERM is
not masked, the associated THERM status register bit
is set and the THERM output asserts. If THERM for the
respective channel is masked, the THERM status regis-
ter is set, but the THERM output does not assert. To
deassert the THERM output and the associated status
register bit, either the measured temperature must fall
at least 5°C below the trip threshold or the trip thresh-
old must be increased to at least 5°C above the current
measured temperature. Asserting THERM internally or
externally forces both PWM outputs to 100% duty cycle
when bit 6 in address 13h (fan 1) or bit 6 in address
17h (fan 2) is set.
The ALERT output asserts to indicate that a measured
temperature exceeds the ALERT trip threshold for that
temperature channel. The status bit and the ALERT out-
put clear by reading the ALERT status register. If the
ALERT status bit is cleared, but the temperature still
exceeds the ALERT temperature threshold, ALERT
reasserts on the next conversion, and the status bit sets
again. A successful alert response protocol clears
ALERT, but does not affect the ALERT status bit.
TACH1 and TACH2 Inputs
To measure the fan speed, the MAX6640 has two
tachometers. Each tachometer has an accurate internal
clock to count the time elapsed in one revolution.
Therefore, it is counting the time between two tachome-
ter pulses for a fan with four poles. When the PWM sig-
nal is used to directly modulate the fan’s power supply,
the PWM frequency is normally in the 20Hz to 100Hz
range. In this case, the time required for one revolution
may be longer than the PWM on-time. For this reason,
the PWM pulses are periodically stretched to allow
tachometer measurement over a full revolution. Turn off
pulse stretching by setting bit 5 of register 13h or regis-
ter 17h when using a 4-wire fan.
The tachometer count is inversely proportional to the
fan’s RPM. The tachometer count data is stored in regis-
ter 20h (for TACH1) and register 21h (for TACH2).
Reading a value of 255 from the TACH count register
means the fan’s RPM is zero or too slow for the range.
Reading a value of zero in the TACH count register
means the fan’s RPM is higher than the range selected.
Table 2 shows the fan’s available RPM ranges. Use reg-
isters 10h or 14h to select the appropriate RPM range for
the fan being used.
The FANFAIL output asserts to indicate that one of the
fans has failed or is spinning slower than the required
speed. The MAX6640 detects fan fault depending on
the fan control mode. In PWM mode, the MAX6640 pro-
duces a square wave with a duty cycle set by the value
written to the duty-cycle registers (26h and 27h). In this
mode, the MAX6640 signals a fan fault when the
tachometer count is greater than the maximum
tachometer count value stored in the appropriate regis-
ter (22h and 23h). After the MAX6640 asserts FAN
Table 2. Tachometer Setting
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