The instruction set is divided into seven categories
data transfer arithmetic shift rotate logical string
manipulation control transfer high-level instruc-
tions and processor control These categories are
summarized in Figure 4
An M80C186EB instruction can reference anywhere
from zero to several operands An operand can
reside in a register in the instruction itself or in
Memory is organized in sets of segments Each seg-
ment is a linear contiguous sequence of up to 64K
(216) 8-bit bytes Memory is addressed using a two-
component address (a pointer) that consists of a
16-bit base segment and a 16-bit offset The 16-bit
base segment values are contained in one of four
internal segment registers (code data stack extra)
The physical address is calculated by shifting the
base value left by four bits and adding the 16-bit
offset value to yield a 20-bit physical address (see
Figure 3) The resulting 20-bit address allows for a
1 Mbyte address range
271214 –3
Figure 3 Two Component Address
All instructions that address operands in memory
must specify the base segment and the 16-bit offset
value For speed and compact instruction encoding
the segment register used for a physical address
generation is implied by the addressing mode used
(see Table 1) Special segment override instruction
prefixes allow the implicit segment register selection
rules to be overridden for special cases The code
stack data and extra segments may coincide for
simple programs
Table 1 Segment Register Selection Rules
Memory Segment
Reference Register
Needed Used
Implicit Segment
Selection Rule
Instructions Code (CS) Instruction prefetch and
immediate data
Stack (SS) All stack pushes and pops
any memory references
which use the BP register
as a base
External Extra (ES) All String instruction
references which use the
DI register as an index
Local Data Data (DS) All other data references
The M80C186EB provides eight categories of ad-
dressing modes to specify operands Two address-
ing modes are provided for instructions that operate
on register or immediate operands
Register Operand Mode The operand is located
in one of the 8- or 16-bit general registers
Immediate Operand Mode The operand is in-
cluded in the instruction
Six modes are provided to specify the location of an
operand in a memory segment A memory operand
address consists of two 16-bit components a seg-
ment base and an offset The segment base is sup-
plied by a 16-bit segment register either implicitly
chosen by the addressing mode or explicitly chosen
by a segment override prefix The offset also called
the effective address is calculated by summing any
combination of the following three address ele-
the displacement (an 8- or 16-bit immediate value
contained in the instruction)
the base (contents of either the BX or BP base
registers) and
the index (contents of either the SI or DI index