The MC3359 is a low–power FM IF circuit designed
primarily for use in voice–communication scanning receivers.
It is also finding a place in narrowband data links.
In the typical application (Figure 1), the mixer–oscillator
combination converts the input frequency (10.7 MHz) down
to 455 kHz, where, after external bandpass filtering, most of
the amplification is done. The audio is recovered using a
conventional quadrature FM detector. The absence of an
input signal is indicated by the presence of noise above the
desired audio frequencies. This “noise band” is monitored by
an active filter and a detector. A squelch–trigger circuit
indicates the presence of noise (or a tone) by an output which
can be used to control scanning. At the same time, an
internal switch is operated which can be used to mute the
The oscillator is an internally biased Colpitts type with the
collector, base, and emitter connections at Pin 4, 1 and 2,
respectively. The crystal is used in fundamental mode,
calibrated for parallel resonance at 32 pF load capacitance.
In theory this means that the two capacitors in series should
be 32 pF, but in fact much larger values do not significantly
affect the oscillator frequency, and provide higher oscillator
The oscillator can also be used in the conventional L/C
Colpitts configuration without loss of mixer conversion gain.
This oscillator is, of course, much more sensitive to voltage
and temperature as shown in Figure 12. Guidelines for
choosing L and C values are given in Figure 14.
The mixer is doubly balanced to reduce spurious
responses. The mixer measurements of Figure 4 and 6 were
made using an external 50 Ω source and the internal 1.8 k at
Pin 3. Voltage gain curves at several VCC voltages are shown
in Figure 4. The Third Order Intercept curves of Figure 6 are
shown using the conventional dBm scales. Measured power
gain (with the 50 Ω input) is approximately 18 dB but the
useful gain is much higher because the mixer input
impedance is over 3 kΩ. Most applications will use a 330 Ω
10.7 MHz crystal filter ahead of the mixer. For higher
frequencies, the relative mixer gain is given in Figure 8.
Following the mixer, a ceramic bandpass filter is
recommended. The 455 kHz types come in bandwidths from
± 2 kHz to ± 15 kHz and have input and output impedances of
1.5 k to 2.0 k. For this reason, the Pin 5 input to the 6 stage
limiting IF has an internal 1.8 k resistor. The IF has a 3 dB
limiting sensitivity of approximately 100 µV at Pin 5 and a
useful frequency range of about 5 MHz as shown in Figure 5.
The frequency limitation is due to the high resistance values
in the IF, which were necessary to meet the low power
requirement. The output of the limiter is internally connected
to the quadrature detector, including the 10 pF quadrature
capacitor. Only a parallel L/C is needed externally from Pin 8
to VCC. A shunt resistance can be added to widen the peak
separation of the quadrature detector.
The detector output is amplified and buffered to the audio
output, Pin 10, which has an output impedance of
approximately 300 Ω. Pin 9 provides a high impedance (50 k)
point in the output amplifier for application of a filter or
de–emphasis capacitor. Pin 11 is the AFC output, with high
gain and high output impedance (1 M). If not needed, it
should be grounded, or it can be connected to Pin 9 to double
the recovered audio. The detector and AFC responses are
shown in Figure 7.
Overall performance of the MC3359 from mixer input to
audio output is shown in Figure 9 and 10. The MC3359 can
also be operated in “single conversion” equipment; i.e., the
mixer can be used as a 455 kHz amplifier. The oscillator is
disabled by connecting Pin 1 to Pin 2. In this mode, the
overall performance is identical to the 10.7 MHz results of
Figure 9.
A simple inverting op amp is provided with an output at
Pin 13 providing dc bias (externally) to the input at Pin 12,
which is referred internally to 2.0 V. A filter can be made with
external impedance elements to discriminate between
frequencies. With an external AM detector, the filtered audio
signal can be checked for the presence of either noise above
the normal audio, or a tone signal.
The open loop response of this op amp is given in
Figure13. Bandpass filter design information is provided in
Figure 15.
A low bias to Pin 14 sets up the squelch–trigger circuit so
that Pin 15 is high, a source of at least 2.0 mA, and the audio
mute (Pin 16) is open–circuit. If Pin 14 is raised to 0.7 V by
the noise or tone detector, Pin 15 becomes open circuit and
Pin 16 is internally short circuited to ground. There is no
hysteresis. Audio muting is accomplished by connecting Pin
16 to a high–impedance ground–reference point in the audio
path between Pin 10 and the audio amplifier. No dc voltage is
needed, in fact it is not desirable because audio “thump”
would result during the muting function. Signal swing greater
than 0.7 V below ground on Pin 16 should be avoided.