Chapter 5. Software
7. Error Message and Troubleshooting
- CRF Error Occurred !
: In the process of reading Intel Hexa file, it occurs when error happens,
Re-assemble the source program and make the Hexa file
- Disk Error !
: It occurs when disk drive is not prepard.
- File not found !
: It occurs when the file input by user does not exit in disk. Check the
correct filename.
- Help file not found !
: It occurs when there is no `GMS30K.HLP` file.
- Hexa file format Mismatch !
: It occurs when the file format of*.rhx file is different. Check if it is intel
Hexa format or not.
- Memory not available !
: It occurs when system memory is lack. Execute the simulator after
deleting the memory resident program from system.
- `PORTIN.DAT` File format error!
: It occurs when the format of PORTIN.DAT file is not correct. Check if it is
created correctly according to PORTIN.DAT file structure.
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