40MX and 42MX FPGA Families
Test Circuitry and Silicon Explorer II Probe
MX devices contain probing circuitry that provides built-in access to every node in a design, via the use of Silicon
Explorer II. Silicon Explorer II is an integrated hardware and software solution that, in conjunction with the Designer
software, allow users to examine any of the internal nets of the device while it is operating in a prototyping or a
production system. The user can probe into an MX device without changing the placement and routing of the design
and without using any additional resources. Silicon Explorer II's noninvasive method does not alter timing or loading
effects, thus shortening the debug cycle and providing a true representation of the device under actual functional
Silicon Explorer II samples data at 100 MHz (asynchronous) or 66 MHz (synchronous). Silicon Explorer II attaches to a
PC's standard COM port, turning the PC into a fully functional 18-channel logic analyzer. Silicon Explorer II allows
designers to complete the design verification process at their desks and reduces verification time from several hours
per cycle to a few seconds.
Silicon Explorer II is used to control the MODE, DCLK, SDI and SDO pins in MX devices to select the desired nets for
debugging. The user simply assigns the selected internal nets in the Silicon Explorer II software to the PRA/PRB
output pins for observation. Probing functionality is activated when the MODE pin is held HIGH.
Figure 1-11 illustrates the interconnection between Silicon Explorer II and 40MX devices, while Figure 1-12 on
page 1-12 illustrates the interconnection between Silicon Explorer II and 42MX devices
To allow for probing capabilities, the security fuses must not be programmed. (Refer to "User Security" section on
page 1-8 for the security fuses of 40MX and 42MX devices). Table 1-2 on page 1-13 summarizes the possible device
configurations for probing.
PRA and PRB pins are dual-purpose pins. When the "Reserve Probe Pin" is checked in the
Designer software, PRA and PRB pins are reserved as dedicated outputs for probing. If PRA and PRB pins are
required as user I/Os to achieve successful layout and "Reserve Probe Pin" is checked, the layout tool will override the
option and place user I/Os on PRA and PRB pins.
16 Logic Analyzer Channels
Serial Connection
to Windows PC
Explorer II
Figure 1-11 • Silicon Explorer II Setup with 40MX
16 Logic Analyzer Channels
Serial Connection
to Windows PC
Explorer II
Figure 1-12 • Silicon Explorer II Setup with 42MX
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