Preliminary Technical Data
Auto Sleep Mode
Additional power can be saved if the ADXL346 automatically
switches to sleep mode during periods of inactivity. To enable
this feature, set the THRESH_INACT register (Address 0x25)
and the TIME_INACT register (Address 0x26) each to a value
that signifies inactivity (the appropriate value depends on the
application), and then set the AUTO_SLEEP bit and the link bit in
the POWER_CTL register (Address 0x2D). Current consumption
at the sub-8 Hz data rates used in this mode is typically 35 µA
for a VS of 2.5 V.
Standby Mode
For even lower power operation, standby mode can be used.
In standby mode, current consumption is reduced to 1 µA
(typical). In this mode, no measurements are made. Standby mode
is entered by clearing the measure bit (Bit 3) in the
POWER_CTL register (Address 0x2D). Placing the device into
standby mode preserves the contents of FIFO.
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