High Performance Automotive Sonar Intrusion – Data Sheet
EMI Protection
The usual precautions against EMI, such as PCB with ground plane, short tracks and shielded
cables, are recommended for AS8413 applications, to avoid possible effects from noise induced
by external sources.
The RX cable must be shielded, because of the low-voltage signal. An alternative to protect other
pins directly connected to unshielded cables, is to clamp induced voltages with signal diodes
close to the pins (Fig.9)
If a single shielded cable is used for the transmitting sensor, the internal wire may be connected
to TX1 and the shield connected to TX2. In this case, only the TX2 output will need protection
Fig. 9 - Diode Clamp Protection for
Unshielded Cables
(a) pins 1, 24
(b) pins 21, 22, 23
Copyright © 2000, Austria Mikro Systeme International AG, Schloß Premstätten, 8141 Unterpremstätten, Austria.
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March 2001
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