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DM9000 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Davicom Semiconductor, Inc.

DM9000 Datasheet PDF : 53 Pages
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ISA to Ethernet MAC Controller with Integrated 10/100 PHY
14. Order Information
Part Number
Pin Count
application circuits illustrated in this document are for
DAVICOM‘s terms and conditions printed on the order
acknowledgment govern all sales by DAVICOM.
DAVICOM will not be bound by any terms inconsistent
with these unless DAVICOM agrees otherwise in
writing. Acceptance of the buyer’s orders shall be
based on these terms.
Company Overview
The information appearing in this publication is DAVICOM Semiconductor Inc. develops and
believed to be accurate. Integrated circuits sold by manufactures integrated circuits for integration into
DAVICOM Semiconductor are covered by the data communication products. Our mission is to
warranty and patent indemnification, and the design and produce IC products that are the industry’s
provisions stipulated in the terms of sale only. best value for Data, Audio, Video, and
DAVICOM makes no warranty, express, statutory, Internet/Intranet applications. To achieve this goal, we
implied or by description, regarding the information in have built an organization that is able to develop
this publication or regarding the freedom of the chipsets in response to the evolving technology
described chip(s) from patent infringement. requirements of our customers while still delivering
FURTHER, DAVICOM MAKES NO WARRANTY OF products that meet their cost requirements.
PURPOSE. DAVICOM reserves the right to halt Products
production or alter the specifications and prices at any
time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is
cautioned to verify that the data sheets and other
information in this publication are current before
placing orders. Products described herein are
intended for use in normal commercial applications.
We offer only products that satisfy high
performance requirements and which are
compatible with major hardware and software
standards. Our currently available and soon to
be released products are based on our proprietary
Applications involving unusual environmental or designs and deliver high quality, high
reliability requirements, e.g. military equipment or performance chipsets that comply with modem
medical life support equipment, are specifically not
recommended without additional processing by
DAVICOM for such applications. Please note that
communication standards and Ethernet
networking standards.
reference purposes only.
Contact Windows
For additional information about DAVICOM products, contact the sales department at:
Hsin-chu Office:
No.6 Li-Hsin Rd. VI,
Science-based Industrial Park,
Hsin-chu City, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL: 886-3-5798797
FAX: 886-3-5646929
Conditions beyond those listed for the absolute maximum may destroy or damage the products. In addition, conditions for sustained periods at near
the limits of the operating ranges will stress and may temporarily (and permanently) affect and damage structure, performance and/or function.
Version: DM9000-DS-F03
April 23, 2009

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