19, 18
RST – Active high reset input. A logic 1 applied to this pin will activate a reset state. This pin
is pulled down internally, can be left unconnected if not used. An RC power–on reset circuit is
not needed and is NOT recommended.
PSEN – Program Store Enable. This active low signal is used to enable an external program
memory when using the Expanded bus. It is normally an output and should be unconnected if
not used.
ALE – Address Latch Enable. Used to de–multiplex the multiplexed Expanded Address/Data
bus on Port 0. This pin is normally connected to the clock input on a ’373 type transparent
XTAL2, XTAL1. Used to connect an external crystal to the internal oscillator. XTAL1 is the
input to an inverting amplifier and XTAL2 is the output.
GND – Logic ground.
VCC – +5V.
BA15 – Monitor test point to reflect the logical value of A15. Not needed for memory access.
BA13 – 0. Byte–wide Address bus bits 13–0. This bus is combined with the non–multiplexed
data bus (BD7–0) to access on–board NVSRAM and off–board peripherals. Peripheral
decoding is performed using PE3 and PE4. These are on 16K boundaries, so BA14 or BA15
are not needed. Read/write access is controlled by R/W. BA13–0 connect directly to memory
mapped peripherals.
BD7 – 0. Byte–wide Data bus bits 7–0. This 8 bit bi–directional bus is combined with the
non–multiplexed address bus (BA14–0) to access on–board NVSRAM and off–board periph-
R/W – Read/Write. This signal provides the write enable to the SRAMs on the Byte–wide bus.
It is controlled by the memory map and Partition. The blocks selected as Program (ROM) will
be write protected. This signal is also used for the write enable to off–board peripherals.
PE3 – Peripheral Enable 3. Accesses data memory between addresses 8000h and BFFFh
when the PES bit is set to a logic 1. PE3 is not lithium backed and can be connected to any
type of peripheral function.
PE4 – Peripheral Enable 4. Accesses data memory between addresses C000h and FFFFh
when the PES bit is set to a logic 1. PE4 is not lithium backed and can be connected to any
type of peripheral function.
PROG – Invokes the Bootstrap loader on a falling edge. This signal should be debounced so
that only one edge is detected. If connected to ground, the micro will enter Bootstrap loading
on power up. This signal is pulled up internally.
VRST – This I/O pin indicates that the power supply (VCC) has fallen below the VCCMIN level
and the micro is in a reset state. When this occurs, the DS2251T will drive this pin to a logic
0. Because the micro is lithium backed, this signal is guaranteed even when VCC=0V.
Because it is an I/O pin, it will also force a reset if pulled low externally. This allows multiple
parts to synchronize their power–down resets.
PF – This output goes to a logic 0 to indicate that the micro has switched to lithium backup. It
corresponds to VCC < VLI. Because the micro is lithium backed, this signal is guaranteed
even when VCC=0V.
INTB – INTB from the real time clock. This output may be connected to a micro interrupt
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