1-Wire SHA-1 Authenticated 1Kb
EEPROM with 1.8V Operation
the lower 3 bits of the E/S register (ending offset) always
read 1. This indicates that all the data in the scratchpad
is used for a subsequent copying into main memory or
secret. Bit 5 of the E/S register, called PF or partial byte
flag, is a logic 1 if the number of data bits sent by the
master is not an integer multiple of eight or if the data in
the scratchpad is not valid due to a loss of power. A
valid write to the scratchpad clears the PF bit. Bits 3, 4,
and 6 have no function; they always read 1. The partial
flag supports the master checking the data integrity after
a write command. The highest valued bit of the E/S reg-
ister, called authorization accepted (AA), acts as a flag
to indicate that the data stored in the scratchpad has
already been copied to the target memory address.
Writing data to the scratchpad clears this flag.
Writing with Verification
To write data to the DS28E02, the scratchpad must be
used as intermediate storage. First, the master issues
the Write Scratchpad command, which specifies the
desired target address and the data to be written to the
scratchpad. Note that writes to data memory must be
performed on 8-byte boundaries with the three LSBs of
the target address T[2:0] equal to 000b. Therefore, if
T[2:0] are sent with nonzero values, the device sets
these bits to 0 and uses the modified address as the
target address. The master should always send eight
complete data bytes. After the 8 bytes of data have
been transmitted, the master can elect to receive an
inverted CRC-16 of the Write Scratchpad command,
the address as sent by the master, and the data as sent
by the master. The master can compare the CRC to the
value it has calculated itself to determine if the commu-
nication was successful. After the scratchpad has been
written, the master should always perform a read
scratchpad to verify that the intended data was in fact
written. During a read scratchpad, the DS28E02
repeats the target address TA1 and TA2 and sends the
contents of the E/S register. The partial flag (bit 5 of the
E/S register) is set to 1 if the last data byte the DS28E02
received during a write scratchpad or refresh scratch-
pad command was incomplete, or if there was a loss of
power since data was last written to the scratchpad.
The authorization-accepted (AA) flag (bit 7 of the E/S
register) is normally cleared by a write scratchpad or
refresh scratchpad; therefore, if it is set to 1, it indicates
that the DS28E02 did not understand the proceeding
write (or refresh) scratchpad command. In either of
these cases, the master should rewrite the scratchpad.
After the master receives the E/S register, the scratch-
pad data is received. The descriptions of write scratch-
pad and refresh scratchpad provide clarification of
what changes can occur to the scratchpad data under
certain conditions. An inverted CRC of the read
scratchpad command, target address, E/S register, and
scratchpad data follows the scratchpad data. As with
the write scratchpad command, this CRC can be com-
pared to the value the master has calculated to deter-
mine if the communication was successful. After the
master has verified the data, it can send the copy
scratchpad to copy the scratchpad to memory.
Refer to the full data sheet for more information
on Writing RweitfherVteoritfhiceaftuiollnd. ata sheet.
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