HA17901A Series
HA17901A Application Examples
The HA17901A houses four independent comparators in a single package, and operates over a wide voltage range at
low power from a single-voltage power supply. Since the common-mode input voltage range starts at the ground
potential, the HA17901A is particularly suited for single-voltage power supply applications. This section presents
several sample HA17901A applications.
1. Square-Wave Oscillator
The circuit shown in figure 1 has the same structure as a single-voltage power supply astable multivibrator. Figure
2 shows the waveforms generated by this circuit.
100 k
4.3 k
75 pF
100 k
100 k
100 k
Figure 1 Square-Wave Oscillator
Horizontal: 2 V/div, Vertical: 5 µs/div, VCC = 5 V
Horizontal: 5 V/div, Vertical: 5 µs/div, VCC = 15 V
Figure 2 Operating Waveforms
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