Part Numbering System
5 0 8 2 - x xx x - x x x xx
HDSP - x xx x - x x x xx
Mechanical Options[1]
00: No mechanical option
16: Special dimensional tolerances
Color Bin Options[1,2]
0: No color bin limitation
Maximum Intensity Bin[1,2]
0: No maximum intensity bin limitation
Minimum Intensity Bin[1,2]
0: No minimum intensity bin limitation
Device Configuration/Color[1]
1: Common Anode
3: Common Cathode
Device Specific Configuration[1]
Refer to respective data sheet
F: 10 mm (0.4 inch) Single Digit Seven Segment Display
G: 10 mm (0.4 inch) Dual Digit Seven Segment Display
1. For codes not listed in the figure above, please refer to the respective data sheet or contact your nearest Agilent representative
for details.
2. Bin options refer to shippable bins for a part-number. Color and Intensity Bins are typically restricted to 1 bin per tube
(exceptions may apply). Please refer to respective data sheet for specific bin limit information.
The 10 mm (0.40 inch) LED
seven segment displays are
Agilent’s most space-efficient
character size. They are designed
for viewing distances up to 4.5
metres (15 feet). These devices
use an industry standard size
package and pinout. The dual
numeric, single numeric, and ± 1.
overflow devices feature a right
hand decimal point. All devices
are available as either common
anode or common cathode.
Typical applications include
instruments, point of sale
terminals, and appliances.