Data Sheet
October 2, 2015
8-Character, Microprocessor-Compatible,
LED Display Decoder Driver
The ICM7243 is an 8-character, alphanumeric display driver
and controller which provides all the circuitry required to
interface a microprocessor or digital system to a 14-segment
or 16-segment display. It is primarily intended for use in
microprocessor systems, where it minimizes hardware and
software overhead. Incorporated on-chip are a 64-character
ASClI decoder, 8x6 memory, high power character and
segment drivers, and the multiplex scan circuitry.
6-bit ASCll data to be displayed is written into the memory
directly from the microprocessor data bus. Data location
depends upon the selection of either Sequential
(MODE = 1) or Random access mode (MODE = 0). In the
Sequential Access mode the first entry is stored in the
lowest location and displayed in the “left-most” character
position. Each subsequent entry is automatically stored in
the next higher location and displayed to the immediate
“right” of the previous entry. A DISPlay FULL signal is
provided after 8 entries; this signal can be used for
cascading devices together. A CLeaR pin is provided to
clear the memory and reset the location counter. The
Random Access mode allows the processor to select the
memory address and display digit for each input word.
The character multiplex scan runs whenever data is not
being entered. It scans the memory and CHARacter drivers,
and ensures that the decoding from memory to display is
done in the proper sequence. Intercharacter blanking is
provided to avoid display ghosting
• 14-Segment and 16-Segment Fonts with Decimal Point
• Mask Programmable for Other Font-Sets Up to 64
• Microprocessor Compatible
• Directly Drives LED Common Cathode Displays
• Cascadable Without Additional Hardware
• Standby Feature Turns Display Off; Puts Chip in Low
Power Mode
• Sequential Entry or Random Entry of Data Into Display
• Single +5V Operation
• Character and Segment Drivers, All MUX Scan Circuitry,
8x6 Static Memory and 64-Character ASCll Font
Generator Included On-Chip
• Pb-Free Available (RoHS Compliant)
Ordering Information
DWG. #
ICM7243BlPL** (No longer available or
-25 to +85
40 Ld PDIP
ICM7243BlPLZ ** (Note)
-25 to +85
40 Ld PDIP
ICM7243AIM44Z* (Note) (No longer
available, recommended replacement:
ICM7244AIM44Z, ICM7244AIM44ZT)
ICM7243 AIM44Z
-25 to +85
44 Ld MQFP
ICM7243AIPLZ** (Note) (No longer available ICM7243AIPLZ
or supported)
-20 to +85
40 Ld PDIP
*Add “-T” suffix for tape and reel. Please refer to TB347 for details on reel specifications.
**Pb-free PDIPs can be used for through hole wave solder processing only. They are not intended for use in Reflow solder processing applications.
NOTE: These Intersil Pb-free plastic packaged products employ special Pb-free material sets, molding compounds/die attach materials, and 100%
matte tin plate plus anneal (e3 termination finish, which is RoHS compliant and compatible with both SnPb and Pb-free soldering operations). Intersil
Pb-free products are MSL classified at Pb-free peak reflow temperatures that meet or exceed the Pb-free requirements of IPC/JEDEC J STD-020
CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures.
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